And to think Rod Blagojevich is currently doing 14 years in the federal Pen just for calling a senate seat “Fucking Golden.”
And to think Rod Blagojevich is currently doing 14 years in the federal Pen just for calling a senate seat “Fucking Golden.”
White supremacy has been normal since the founding of this country. Time didn’t do anything to normalize it.
F that, there needs to be a stigma for suicide. Unless terminally ill, you SHOULD feel like suicide is wrong. Normalizing it is idiotic.
The language around suicide has changed, in large part as an effort to remove the attendant shame and guilt associated with the former phrasing. Suicide attempts used to be illegal, and saying someone “committed” suicide carries with it the connotation of criminal activity (i.e., “committed murder”). Suicide survivors…
şo şad...
Bad week to be a good college running back / bad NFL running back. If I were Curtis Enis I’d be laying low.
I fixed it.
I thought it was a noble sacrifice. “I’m going down! Here’s some traction; save yourselves!”
I didn’t figure it out until the actual reveal, because I am a Millenial, and need to be checking my phone, email, and twitter while watching a show, thus missing roughly half of what is going on.
Or her Goldman Sachs cabinet! Phew! Lots of bullets dodged.
Maybe it will be good for Penn State to get a sense of how it feels to have its case ignored.
My partner is convinced that all his claims of rigged elections during the campaign were a ruse to get Hillary Clinton to agree to accept the results, because he knew that the election was being rigged in his own favor somehow.
+1 team on his back
If Utah had won, they planned on celebrating by passing around a large Starbucks coffee and letting each player have one tiny sip, Prophet be praised.
I say let him keep racing. He’s got a Rosie future.
(Looks at standings to see no other 4-13 teams)
You, however, can fuck off.