You can pick your bartender, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your bartender's nose.
My dad somehow misread 1 teaspoon of salt as 1 cup of salt in a cookie batch once (so he knew he was putting salt in it). They came out of the oven and it tasted like the ocean had just taken a shit in your mouth.
Real talk- I worked for Morimoto like 10 years ago and he served something like this but it was called "Whitefish Carpaccio" and it was fucking delicious.
Not sure whether Nobu or Morimoto is the original Satan but I'm happy to taste test food from both until I can make a decision.
It's a good idea, no matter what type of dog or where you live, to start getting them used to wiping their paws once they come in - no matter if they need it or not. Then they'll get used to having it done, and even wait for it before bounding into your house tracking mud or snow everywhere. We have a great…
I once had a girl reach out and touch my face in the middle of my bartending shift. Like, palm against my cheak, fingers at my temple. She explained that she was "trying to make me laugh." I took it to mean "I am very high right now."
"Oh! Well! Looks like you found those bread rolls after all. Wasn't that hard, was it?" I then took a skewer out of one of the pieces of tempura, and plunged it finger deep into her eyeball.
There is a protein in the skin of many fruits (as well as in the skin under the shell of many nuts) that I had a severe allergy to for 20+/- years. I could not ever eat any apples pears, peaches, plums, grapes, nectarines, raw hazelnuts & other things in their raw form because of this, but was perfectly fine with any…
She was very polite and self-deprecating about it too.
In my younger days I once (drunk) stood at the counter for five minutes demanding to know why they wouldn't serve me a Goddamn Big Mac? In Burger King. What a dick.
Made it browner, which is the key ingredient in chocolate—the brownness. Shoe polish would have worked also.
The barista can just make a short trip to the exoplanet Gilese 436 b. The planet is completely covered in a rare form of water under such incredible pressure due to planetary gravity that the water solidifies (instead of freezing). Additionally, the planet also orbits its star so closely that the average surface…
Just a personal preference, I think you should drop the one from Jacob Salazar. That is a textbook example of a functionally illiterate person getting help ordering their food, not a dumb person being a jerk/insane.
I'm all for making fun of jerks, but sometimes a bit of sympathy for someone with a shameful problem…
You have my utmost sympathy for being allergic to corn and tomatoes. The corn is bad enough, but also tomatoes? Are you allergic to other nightshades as well (potatoes, eggplants, peppers)? I have a friend who's pretty allergic to all nightshades which is pretty inconvenient if you want to go out to eat ever.
I'd be sympathetic if she had pointed at another patron's table and asked for bread rolls. The woman in this story claimed she'd eaten them before, though, and her friends said the only reason they'd come was for the "free bread." Since they got a comped appetizer that time around too, I'm actually inclined to…
Because she was an ass about it. She was rude to the server as were her friends. If she'd been polite then fair enough it would be mean to laugh, but she wasn't.
It actually takes a surprising amount of alcohol before Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is actually likely (though it does seem to vary so that doesn't mean there's some safe level of consumption, of course!) So, good chance that the kid will be fine, at when it comes out. God knows what this winner is likely to do to it after…
Kids love fairies, right?
"VERY allergic to gluten"