
Unfortunately, I'm SOL until I have the $600+ I owe Richland County, SC for this year's vehicle taxes, which I will not have until I can actually land a new job. No new registration stickers for your car without proof of payment.

Stock has always had cook times of up to 24 - 48 hours. If your stock recipe tells you to cook for 45 minutes, it's just a bad recipe.

...but but but but WHY? Why try to make you use the crates instead of the stool? Just... random cruelty?

I'm bipolar too, and there are absolutely days that I wouldn't have been able to read these stories without tears. Have a virtual hug, and take care of yourself!

I was 4 when my parents divorced. And you know what? I'm sure I had a couple of bad weeks, but mostly I was perfectly fine. My brother was a little older (8), and he had a little more problem with it but ultimately adjusted. But the kids I knew whose parents suffered for years before finally getting divorced when they

Err.. "copyright". I can spell, really.

This is not even vaguely close to accurate in any way. Please read up on copywrite law a little before posting anything else on the topic.

No, of course not. But they're not obligated to. I'm just saying, there's lots of people in the business who make fan projects, but most people don't hear about them so find it surprising when one of them draws attention.

Which he has. Unfortunately, with the DMCA, Vimeo is obligated to pull it down while he counter-files and the legalities play out. This is the primary flaw in the DMCA (though it's obvious why they wrote it that way.)

Tons of professional writers write fan fiction, professional film editors make fan films, etc. Most of them just do it under aliases to avoid attention.

You get that the things you mention are what makes it a parody, right? Without things like that, it would just be a standard dark reboot (which, while I still think would fall under Fair Use, would be a much less obvious case).

This entire thread reads like it's from a strange world where you have no experience with how the internet works or its social norms.

1. So what if you don't care about or read metacritic scores? Far more people do than don't, and as a developer, he can't just ignore that. His livelihood may be directly affected by that score.

No, it's not.

The deepest pit of debugging hell:

This makes no sense. Why should she be obligated to go to elaborate lengths to hide her wedding from people who aren't invited? If she wants, she should be able to have a 300 guest wedding with the largest announcement the local paper will allow you to print. If they're not invited, call the cops to have them arrested

Huh. I've never heard of issues with eggs before, but Google is telling me that Egg allergy is one of the most common allergies in the world (albeit in children). I've always thought of them as super safe and easy to digest.

I haven't a clue what the actual chemical is that my body dislikes, so I have no idea why it works this way, either. Science has never been my strong point. Maybe it's only present in the flesh itself?

I'm mildly allergic to fresh grapes. Not raisins, not wine, not even grape juice, but just plain grapes. Fortunately, I never have to try to explain this at restaurants because they're rarely in anything other than fruit or waldorf salads, and super obvious when they are.

I did my work study at my university's ceramics library (which covered both ceramic art and engineering). Because of my job, I saw a lot of exactly what was required of both types of ceramic students. I also roomed with art majors for two years. In my experience, the relative workloads, as measured in raw hours, went: