
The heck? We always just stayed up until midnight (and then got to bang on the pots and pans for noisemakers!). Kids enjoy the whole thing way more than adults do, anyhow. If the little kids fall asleep waiting, as can happen, you just wake them up 10 minutes before the countdown, then put them to bed immediately

- The guy that called and argued with me for five minutes that we were, in fact, a doctor's office and not a pizzeria.

As a non-Christian who generally celebrates Christmas secularily with her mostly-agnostic family, I only have an issue with it when it's obviously meant as an insult. If asked for a preference, I'd probably go with Happy Holidays, but I'm entirely happy to receive and return a Merry Christmas from people who are just

I don't know enough about Iggy to speak to 90% of what you wrote, but the accent issue may not actually be an issue. Singing works differently than speaking, and there is some evidence that the generic pop/rock accent isn't actually a put on American accent, but just how English is easiest sung. Which is one of the

Not VA, but I have heard stories otherwise. Anyone doing the legal 55mph on I-95 through Philadelphia when everyone else is doing 80-85 is a hazard to the vehicles around them, and I have heard of people being pulled over for it (via friend-of-a-friend method, so take with a gigantic grain of salt). If it's not true,

My runner friend swears that it's completely normal that it always feels like my lungs and nose fill up with mucus and I start to gag and cough and drown. Something about the impact loosening the mucus. Can anyone confirm, or is she just trying to get a running partner? Because I really don't understand why anyone

Question - what precisely does one do with cookie butter? It sounds delicious, but not like something I'd eat straight from the jar, and I'm having trouble picturing the intended use. Smear it onto butter cookies like frosting?

Interesting. I'd never heard of those before!

Interesting. I'd never heard of those before!

Ugh. I disliked being a child when I was a child. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to it.

I wore contact lenses throughout college and most of my 20s pretty much exclusively. One day, my eyes spontaneously decided that they couldn't tolerate contacts for more than a couple of minutes at a time. My habit of making sure to have a pair of reasonably up to date glasses handy paid off that day. Otherwise I'd

As far as I know, the shortages were specific to that year. Even I had a hard time getting it that year, and my immune system is complete crap - my doctor just didn't have any for the longest time, and had big signs in the waiting room to that effect. I haven't had a problem getting a shot since.

To be clear, I am not saying that you are any obligation to care about an issue you don't care about, especially since it's not one that directly effects you.

1. You are effected. You said yourself that you have a wife and sister, and since you cared enough to mention them, then you presumably don't want them treated badly.

Actually, I'm (not very effectively, but I wasn't trying very hard - it's been a long day) making fun of what you said, because I don't think you noticed at all what a shit thing it was to say. I have no problem with the concept of choosing one cause to throw your time, money, and emotional dealing-ness at. I agree

*psst* I'll let you know a secret. It's actually possible to be 100% against racism and 100% against sexism at the same time! An equal amount!

Yes. I get tired of people complaining about these sort of businesses, because as long as you're paying any attention at all you'll know exactly what you're getting into, and more importantly, why.

Seriously, 0% of that was in the text of what she wrote. I spent a couple of minutes rereading your comment, then hers, then yours, then hers, wondering how to break down each point, and which comment do I start with... then I gave up. Because nothing you wrote had anything to do with anything she wrote, so there's no