
This is completely correct - which is, incidentally, one of the top 3 reasons why I never want to be a manager ever again. I'm terrible at letting go of the important or difficult things well enough to delegate them, which was ultimately bad for the company, my subordinates' growth, and my sanity. Better all around if

I'm not a fan of this article, as it implies that emotions like frustration, depression, and anxiety are something you always have direct control over. While that may or may not be true for the average person (I'll let others debate that), it doesn't account for the very large number of people suffering from clinical

I'm not a fan of this article, as it implies that emotions like frustration, depression, and anxiety are something you always have direct control over. While that may or may not be true for the average person (I'll let others debate that), it doesn't account for the very large number of people suffering from clinical

I'm not a fan of this article, as it implies that emotions like frustration, depression, and anxiety are something you always have direct control over. While that may or may not be true for the average person (I'll let others debate that), it doesn't account for the very large number of people suffering from clinical