They extended the filing deadline so this works out for you. (And I suppose you could have filed for an extension even if they hadn’t.) Just don’t file 2019 until after you get the check.
They extended the filing deadline so this works out for you. (And I suppose you could have filed for an extension even if they hadn’t.) Just don’t file 2019 until after you get the check.
You’re right, I do feel better about it with that included. It’s still going to be pretty rough in the states with unconscionably small maximums to begin with, but that’s not the federal government’s fault.
Wow, I just looked it up, and I’m paying nearly $600 less a month than average for this area in rent. (But it’s well under half the average rent in Boston ($3462), so local renters should still feel pretty good.) Just 24% of us pay $1500 or less. I’m sure my next door neighbor, who’s letter from the RI department of…
First of all, I’d like to know what world you live in where unemployment insurance actually replaces a month’s income. (Disclaimer: this may end up changed for COVID-19 specifically because of bills that I haven’t kept up on.) It’s not even designed to. Last time I was unemployed it was in SC, and they replaced... I…
Also, fucking “retirement egg”? He spent most of his career collecting money from vending machines in bad neighborhoods. His so-called retirement egg is a few grand left over from a car accident that almost crippled him. Not everyone has income and savings outside of the tiny sum they give people for social security,…
You completely misunderstood. He was pissed not for himself (though believe me, he definitely needs that money, I constantly worry about how and what he’s eating on his budget but he won’t take money from me and won’t move to move in with my brother). He was pissed on the behalf of the people who AREN’T getting their…
I called my (elderly, staunchly Republican) step-father last night, and while my ~$700 is just a nice extra cushion for me, since my job is both 100% able to be done remotely and crazy busy right now, I expected him be excited. Any extra income is nice, and the $1200 number in particular is a lot of money, when…
Nah, I don’t think that’s the case with this chain, though I’m sure it’s true for some others. The drivers I spoke to afterwards were all part of last year’s big warehouse strike.
My local big grocery chain has actually stopped pickup for the duration, and I can’t for the life of me understand why. You pay online and someone hauls it out to your car, I believe, so that’s as minimal contact as it gets outside of the unattended delivery option. It was my second choice after I saw that all…
All these articles talking about being careful with the touchscreen’s coating are making me feel like a weirdo for not worrying because I’m using a screen protector. How are you maniacs not constantly scratching them up? I took off a peeling one once and didn’t replace it, and regretted that decision inside of two…
Tbqh I’m not planning on stopping going on cruise ships either, so I’m not going to please the infectious disease people regardless.
That’s the worst part of streaming. Sure you usually get less commercial time overall, but at least on network tv they’re not repeating only the one and for days on end.
I didn’t get any commercials at all on the one movie I watched using my Chromecast. It’s possible they’re just short of commercials right now, but I’ve run into services before where commercials would get skipped on that. (If it’s that I’m sure they’ll eventually fix it, like Hulu did.)
Huh. They have a surprisingly decent catalog for one of these free streaming services? Once I dug beneath the mounds of cheap horror and knock offs of better known kids movies, I ran into things like Qi reruns, Star Trek IV, and the original Suspira. I’m currently watching a documentary movie about Glastonbury, and…
People diss CVS a lot, but honestly they have one of the best rewards programs in the business. They send me quarterly and yearly totals of my savings, and it’s a rare year that it’s not several several hundred dollars. I regularly walk out the door with $60 of goods for less than $30.
If I’m understanding correctly, if people were getting 10" receipts, that would be 20 cents per inch? I may be misinterpreting.
I have three cats, and refuse to let them sleep on my head or face. So the big one is on the nightstand threatening to push my phone and clock off the edge with every movement, the tiny one is on the other pillow and is thus is possession of that entire half of the bed, and the smaller-than-the-first-but-still-giant…
You’re absolutely right that music rights often seem to be a tripping point (or at least it feels that way; I don’t have any actual solid statistics beyond my bitching about the music replacements in the dvd release of the original Roswell tv show).
Ugh, it hadn’t even occurred to me to check.
I have to put in a plug for Strange Days, an underrated sci-fi noir directed by Kathryn Bigelow back in the 90s. Set in the lead up to NYE 1999, it stars an excellent Ralph Fiennes and spectacular Angela Bassett, somewhat dodgy performances from Juliette Lewis and Tom Sizemore, questionable amounts of sweat on all the…