
Something I’d like to see in these sorts of articles someday would be reacting to different kinds of drugs. I would have very different reactions to finding out my hypothetical child was using weed, meth, heroin, etc. etc. etc. Marijuana is bad for children, but I wouldn’t berate them for stupidity like I would if I

Counterpoint: it’s only “mandatory and weighted” when they grow older because the schools make it that. If I recall the studies I’ve seen correctly (admittedly only abstracts and articles like this), they say that older children benefit from learning how to do longer projects outside of class, but otherwise math

As those of us who work in certain industries (health, taxes, etc.) receive at least yearly training in, be SUPER SUPER careful with downloading files or samples of your old work if there’s anything in there that could be person data, or mistaken for it. Suddenly downloading a ton of data right before quitting is the

I submit the theory that perhaps someone who walks way more than the average person every day will already have toughened their feet. Most normal humans get blisters, even in well fitted, comfortable, high quality footwear, when they suddenly go from an average amount of walking to a theme park amount of walking.

I submit the theory that perhaps someone who walks way more than the average person every day will already have

You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapors; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft

See! This is very straightforward stuff, and the standard all banks should be held to.

I have my notifications turned on, but Bank of America’s is often more a source of rueful hilarity than anything else. Typically their notifications for large cash withdrawals or debits show up anywhere from 8 to 24+ hours after they happen. Any sort of decent thief would have cleaned me out by then.

Well, the primary advantage of a debit card is that it makes it literally impossible to spend money you don’t have! It’s also readily available when you don’t have a steady cashflow. Even a secured credit card was impossible to get when I was dealing with an extended period of unemployment, and lots of places

I mean, it can work out if you’re disciplined about it. I got a new credit card with 1-3% cash back (depending on category) and only a $1000 limit (< a quarter of my monthly take home) back in April. The rewards aren’t why I got it, but I pretty quickly fell into using it for the normal purchases that I had previously

^^^This, exactly. I can’t believe people think this is up for debate.

I am one of those people. Surprised, I went and looked it up. Merriam-Webster says that the secondary meaning (“manner of expressing oneself in word,” with no implication of excess), has been standard since the early 19th century. Every dictionary I checked except for the Cambridge English Dictionary recognized the

It’s performative in a way that gets a lot of peoples’ backs up. Most people who aren’t interested in the lineup offered by a service will either not read the article, or will read the article, think “still not interested” and then move on. Commenting negatively on the offerings isn’t necessarily off topic, but

There’s actually two accounts involved - your existing ESPN/Disney account is required in order to create the D23 account. So go to the create a new account link, log into your existing account, then scroll past the gold options to the create a general (free) D23 account option.

You prepay the entire amount immediately.

more than half of the 18 hours I spent completing the game was spent exploring, solving puzzles, taking screenshots, collecting cats, and occasionally dressing up as a Neuron’s quirky dog mascot.

I have a 16 and a 6 pounder that went to the vet in the same carrier for their shots last week. My shoulder aches just thinking about making it an entire extra cat heavier. (The 17.5 pounder got to ride in the backpack.)

I had a sudden moment of revelation a couple of months ago. I’d been avoiding bar stools for the last year or so, and it turns out that it isn’t that barstools in general hurt my back. It’s that THESE barstools hurt my back like a motherfucker.

You’re not alone. People have made multiple attempts to teach me stick, and it’s just never going to happen.

I think we need video. I really want to know now what’s so puzzling about your sweeping.

That’s how I do it, too.