
Correction: most American rental companies accept debit cards. I don’t recommend using one, though, because you risk getting to the counter and being denied your rental, even when pre-paid, because they all have a laundry list of additional requirements. Some charge an extra fee. Some require an additional credit

I mean, you can sell plasma to private companies (not whole blood) in the US, but donation with cookies afterwards is far more common. Many states have outlawed it. You can’t receive anything for organs or other tissues, either, or most methods of extracting bone marrow, and that one’s federal law. So our rules aren’t

I only watched half the first episode or so, so I’m not really familiar either, but it does sound like something Gestalt was taught to do but has consciously chosen to continue in adulthood. The entire point is for people to forget that they’re addressing Gestalt’s metaphorical foot, even if they technically know

I have long hair. If I get more than three haircuts a year, it’s been a busy year. Short hair requires a ton more cutting, but you more than make it back in wash time.

I’ve always had great luck with LemiShine, though it’s at its best when there’s hard water involved. It’s also very cheap - if you can find it at the store, it’s usually about half the price Amazon has it for or less.

I’ve always had great luck with LemiShine, though it’s at its best when there’s hard water involved. It’s also very

That’s not at all how this sort of thing works. From the description in the article, these people are full time employees of Volt, which in turn is contracted to provide QA employees to another company. They are colloquial-definition contractors, not legal-definition Contractors, which is hugely common for all sorts

They ordered a bunch of apps and small plates for the table. He didn’t notice his missing entree for 45 minutes. The dude wasn’t sitting there hungry watching his friends eat - he was eating with the rest of them. (Also, everyone knows you order the replacement entree to go under these circumstances, otherwise you’re

Depends on the school. My university’s art program was known to cull its freshmen pretty ruthlessly (my freshman year roommate was often up to 3am working), and wasn’t exactly nice to everyone else (my junior year photography major roomate got the occasional BRUTAL review). That’s not the kind of program you’re

My sympathies go out to Huffman’s older daughter, who today learned that her parents think she is either the family fuckup or much less intelligent than her younger sister.

I understand but find no pity in my heart for you, Drew. Try loathing chicken, which results in all of the same conversations x 100, only with the unspoken but clear accusation that you’re anti-American for hating their grandmother’s award-winning fried chicken.

You guys are clear on that banks are displeased to have you come to the counter for your simple transaction because they literally don’t want people coming to the counter for simple transactions, right? It costs them more money to have a human handle your request than a machine handling your request, by a lot, and

Today I Learned that some people don’t want chunks in their sauce. What even is the point at that point? You might as well buy a cheap jar of plain sauce.

Yesssss. I nearly bought one of these on Saturday but decided to hold off until my next paycheck. But now I’m gonna head right over.

Yesssss. I nearly bought one of these on Saturday but decided to hold off until my next paycheck. But now I’m gonna

As I’m coming in late to this thread, I just wanted to say that I’ve found it hugely educational and interesting reading. So thanks for all the time you’ve obviously devoted to it, despite the people who seem to either have very poor reading comprehension or are way too invested in getting seated 20 minutes faster to

*blink* *blink* Except that they’ve had this program going for at least several years? But it is, indeed, a good one.

My (admittedly limited) understanding is that it’s very common for people in comas to stop menstruating just as a matter of course. It’s also not that unusual for the very thin, or the plain old sick. We don’t even know if she’s been menstruating since her accident. Also, the article doesn’t say how old she is, so if

This is an excellent shopping list for my brother for Christmas, thank you.

Don’t be an idiot. I was responding to the crazy person’s crazy need to mention soap as something that handwashing uses to clean dishes. As if the dishwasher doesn’t too, and probably more powerful soap at that.