
This is the craziest comment in this comment section. The dishwasher uses chemicals and runs for a very long time at a much higher heat than you can hand wash at (even if you’re not using the sanitize setting). If you’re actually as phobic about germs as you’re implying, you should be all over that.

I suppose it’s possible that pet products are generally cheaper than baby products (I have the former but none of the latter), but that’s definitely not the case for pet gates. Your average pet gate is the same exact product that’s being sold a few aisles over with a different cardboard label slapped on it, only the

Also what I used to clean my CPAP back when I used one.


And of course, like you said, you’re also unlikely to be the person paying for it in that scenario.

Ouch. You don’t even need a laptop with you? That’s my sticking point - I can easily believe some jobs might send you out somewhere for a day (though almost once a week sounds painful). I’m having a hard time picturing a modern job like that that isn’t a white collar job that requires you to have a work computer on

A day trip. On a plane. Not for work purposes (because you’ll probably need at least a laptop case). So... .000001% of the flying population?

What, you don’t want to travel a thousand miles away from home for a couple of days and survive on only the contents of your pockets?

Even if there were something like a moderate Republican still around, and even if there was one in the Trump administration (hah!), it wouldn’t be Nikki Fucking Haley. As a former SC constituent, take my word that she’s a monster.

The problem is that skin is so individual. My skin is sensitive and also a giant oil slick, I’m allergic to benzoyl peroxide, most other medications have no visible effect, and the few that do are very powerful and have zero carryover. But scrubs (well chosen - no sharp edges! - and in moderation) have always been

So is there a reason why many Thai people don’t know how to swim? Until you dropped that into the middle of the article, I assumed it was just the standard a certain percentage of every population doesn’t know how to swim, but now it sounds like A Thing.

This is pretty much me. I have a budgeting tab for every paycheck, with a running total at the top of the current tab with my current checking + savings, each bill allocated to that check plus line items for various expenses like food and pet supplies, a “discretionary and special spending” section, and an expected

Wow, speaking of irrational. (And please see my original comment re: IDGAF etc.)

I think I said that. It doesn’t actually make a difference in real life, or make it unacceptable that I can just buy fully cooked meat instead of torturing myself. And it’s not even an irrational avoidance - undercooked meat can and does give people food poisoning sometimes.

Pretty sure. It was very undercooked and I shouldn’t have eaten it, but it had been delivered and I was trapped in an apartment without a car after traveling all day. It only came with a bun and french fries.

Medical facts and percentages have very little power over the subconscious disgust that says red/pink = poison. 

Tell that to my scarred psyche.

I wasn’t nearly as picky about absolutely zero red left in my red meat until I got nearly a week’s worth of food poisoning from an undercooked burger, on a business trip nearly 20 years ago. I’ll take it medium-well please, and IDGAF if anyone thinks that’s too cooked, because it tastes great and even looking at pink

As long as you’re not darkening your skin, and keep to the general gist of how that person actually looks instead of playing to stereotypes (unless that person dresses like a stereotype in real life), than sure. It’s definitely something that can be a minefield if you’re not really careful, though.

I moved to Rhode Island two years ago, and am currently doing eight weeks of prescription Vitamin D supplements because a recent checkup and bloodwork showed that I’m actually deficient. Between that and my utter lack at 41 of visible aging of my extremely oily and sensitive skin, I feel completely okay about my lack