
The good news is you’re correct about not aging. I have extraordinarily oily skin that has meant that, at 41, I’m quite pleased to only have 8-10 visible pimples at any given time on average. (This is honestly the best my skin’s looked without multiple daily applications of Class X drugs since I was 11.) But I have NO

Cassandra Clare is also a pen name. 

It’s 1000% legal. There’s no identifying information attached to the dentist’s story - the girl outed herself. The HIPAA Privacy Act doesn’t mandate that you never speak of a patient, only that they not be identifiable unless there’s a legit reason to identify them to a specific party. My personal favorite - your

It’s definitely worded weird, but I’m pretty sure it meant pictures of a coworker from back when she was 12.

It might correlate to brown eggs being more common than white in the free range/vegan feed/cruelty free/etc egg market, and vice versa with your standard caged hen/fed whatever egg. The former of course costs a lot more.

I agree. There should only be three items on the list, with #3 as Everyones’ wants. Where those wants clash, you both compromise in the normal way you would with any other person you care about.

Parts of your face pump out more oil than almost anywhere else on your body, plus the skin is thinner and more delicate than most of the rest of your body, plus your hair touches your face pretty frequently and carries dirt and oils with it, plus most people touch their face pretty often without realizing it, plus

This is not weird but still a bad idea, because I use my toaster oven for 85% of my oven-related tasks for a fraction of the time and energy. There’s no reason why I need to heat an entire oven to make garlic bread for one person, or to melt tomato, ham, and cheese on a bagel.

Any place where skin folds inward is prone to acne, since sweat gets trapped there. The corners of your mouth could qualify. Also, maybe you’re leaving some residue around your mouth after eating?

N/A - there’s a place for that in every system, and therefore every box.

I recently got a passport for the first time, and it was hell. I had all the standard proof of ids - birth certificate, ss card, driver’s license, etc. But because my driver’s license was less than a year old, they forced me fill out a supplemental form including info like where my stepparents were born and every

If there’s anything Twitter has taught me, it’s to stop deriding this sort of product, which is a godsend for the disabled.

I’ve stuck with FF all along, only using Chrome when forced to because its controls are minimalistic to the point of unusability. Why the fuck don’t you people want buttons that will do things for you? If you have to memorize a keyboard shortcut or dig through menus to get to a common function, then it it’s a bad.

My dog, who has since puppyhood taken an infamously long time to poop, has finally in the last couple of weeks resigned himself to going almost immediately upon finding a patch of bare ground. He’s 13, absolutely refuses to wear shoes, and anything below 20 degrees hurts his feet now.

I currently live in RI and my parents are in PA, and when I drive down I make a point to fill up in New Jersey. I can usually find it at 20-40 cents a gallon cheaper than right across the river in Pennsylvania.

You laugh, but I learned to drive in New Jersey and for years filled up just before crossing the PA boarder to visit my parents so that I wouldn’t have to figure out how to pump the gas myself. To this day, after extended periods living in other states, I still have no idea how to use the flip-up lock thingy. Every

I learned to drive in North Jersey, then moved for 5 years to South Carolina. It was... challenging... to adjust driving styles to accommodate overly polite drivers, and I nearly cause a couple of accidents by assuming people would go when they’re expected to.

That’s ridiculous. 90% of what I buy off of Amazon either is not available locally (like my favorite perfume, which only costs a few dollars but is imported from the UAE), or would require driving around all days (wasting a ton of time and gas) going to a dozen stores to find an equivilant or properly comparison shop

If you budgeted $5000 for your friends’ wedding and the total cost turned out to be $5400 (your budget + 2 $200 overruns on flight costs), and you can’t afford $5400, then only the most terrible of so-called friends would have a problem with that. You (and Rebekah) are in the wrong.

“We were living in London when we got married in Napa,” Rebekah explains. “Really close friends told us that they couldn’t come because they expected the flights to be about £600, but they were £800. They basically put a price on our relationship and it was £200.