
My stepfather is 57 and admits to throwing rocks off overpasses onto cars as a kid. People have always loved to claim that earlier generations were better behaved than the current crop, but kids have been the same going all the way back. Ugh and Ick Jr. were throwing rocks at the mammoths before their parents learned

I have many quibbles with this list, but I find it hilarious that you don’t think loving Ex Machina that much is, in itself, hipster.

I was beginning to think I was the only person here who actually watches sports. Not everyday, but the year I was without access to NBC Sports and missed pretty much all of F1 and a good sized chunk of the Olympics drove me mad.

Oh, I definitely do that all the freaking time. GDI indeed!

Maternity is big in one place, plus sized is big everywhere. That’s not to say I’ve never accidentally purchased a maternity item, but the difference is usually pretty clear.

An example might be the Fast and the Furious series. It’s the sixth biggest grossing movie series of all time, and it’s well known for attracting a much higher percentage of women and minorities to its audience than is typical for a car-centered action movie. Paul Walker was a blond haired blue eyed white man, of

My cat straight up suddenly stopped eating the Taste of the Wild dry food that he’d been eating for years, and after cycling through every premium food I could find (sometimes he’d eat one bag of one enthusiastically, and then he’d decide not to touch it again after I bought a second bag, because cats are assholes),

It was on in primetime last night, surely they’ll do a replay soon and you’ll have a chance to find out.

Nah, in my experience, I paid approximately the same for cheap processed food during my 5 years in SC (about as low a cost of living as you’ll find in the US - though I was in Columbia so I wasn’t in the middle of nowhere) as I have anywhere in the Mid-Atlantic to Northeast. Normal processed foods, I probably paid

I’m guessing you live in Southern California, based on your pepper cost (I’ve had this conversation many times before, and pepper cost is always a good location indicator). Possibly some parts of the South or Southwest.

*shrug* YMMV. My current apartment was one month free, as well as at a theoretically discounted rate (because apparently people aren’t moving apartments in February in Rhode Island). I pay the exact $1161 rent I was quoted each month, and while I paid my deposit and a partial month’s rent upfront, I moved in on 2/9

I assure you that non-smokers can tell that both of you smoke. The fumes cling tenaciously to everything. Every time I visit my mom, who protests that she strictly limits the rooms where she and my stepfather smoke and runs an air purifier, I can’t stay for more than four hours or so, and I have to shower immediately

Because they can’t understand it, they associate it with things they can understand: primarily sadness or temporarily being down.

To be honest, as long as it doesn’t wake me up at 3am every night, I couldn’t give less of a fuck about what my neighbors do if you paid me.


Why would you need a to be in Japan to get a special hat Pikachu? Usually the streets are overflowing with them during these events. I have an entire (small) section of Pikachu and Raichu in hats.

...is this a joke? I’m not a big Star Wars person, but as I recall, Darth Vader didn’t know who Luke was until sometime during the second movie. I don’t think he even interacted with him in Episode IV other than 10 seconds of dogfighting. And I don’t think he ever found out that Leia was anything other than a random

Yeah, I don’t get all of the gambit complaints. I mostly kept mine simple (they were pretty useless for the first big chunk of the game anyway) and did most fights manually.


I can testify that I was a strong swimmer from a very young age, and would spend hours floating in the pool, not even bothering to paddle or kick my legs. And yet I almost drowned twice.