
There is that Raspberry Pi into a laptop using an Old Atrix Lapdock thing. I bought one, hardly use it as this since I have a hand me down laptop with an SSD in it.

This is so awesome, I might just do this.

When looking at rental, buying seasons (IF you buy shows) and etc comes down to about as much cost monthly as dropping cable. I say this from experience.

Good point, green is good in this context. Less driving is the practicle thing.

SabNZBD+ & Sickbeard?

Simply add a bluetooth adapter and a power switch that is wifi enabled. Likely more cost than some speakers are worth, but the dumber the radio or speaker, the more it can be "learned", or rather turned off or on and piped to simply.

My sole complaint with team viewer is the iPad version of the app. Meaning it is $99 (afaik) for the ipad version.

I am betting that Google will likely make an app that is stand alone. OR I am hoping that using Google Maps from Safari will allow what was removed.


The earth the earth is on fire. We don't have no daughter, let that mother f&^%er burn. - Dystopia - Yacht

I forgot to mention I have a HD Homerun dual network tuner from a gift a LOOONG time ago from my wife, so that is how I am getting shows off ATSC.

Intel Atom D525 w/ 4 gb Ram, 2.5 HDD 320GB


The SOLE justifiable product hulu makes is Hulu Desktop.