
Pinebook Pro? It’s cheap, like $200, and is pretty great.

Don’t make them popular again so I can grab em up cheap on eBay ;D

The mac mini 2012 still sells very well. Fully suited and SSD with at least 16GB ram goes for a decent price on ebay. I keep hoping I will get a great deal to upgrade back to mac. For me, it’s what I like for work flow, but W10 is fine for me for now.

Wyze cam.

Wyze cam.

Allegedly the 80s hit Canada late. Well per HIMYM

PlayLater... Just sayin'

I only hated Sprint for the lack of service (meaning towers in my area) took a marked nose dive. Not percieved, actual as far as data connection was concerned.

They make you feel as though you didn't communicate properly. It is as if they do not comprehend what all you say if it is beyond the scope of their scripted responses.

Net10 (GSM) $45 if on autopay

I am paying for HBO Go, but I am owrried the content I want to watch otherwise will expire beofre I get to it. Additionally, I have an android phone so I cannot watch my Amazon Prime content.

Ras Pi is cheap, but then a case, and a quality USB/Wallwart combo & it costs what a pogoplug costs, with no auto photo backup, terrible performance, easily fried (personal experience, crappy wallwart).

Crunching all the alternatives is a bit deeper than many have the patience for.

Good idea!

Yup, IF it has a clean ESN (call sprint if you don't know or google it) it sells for more, but people will want to know the number (not phone #) to confirm it before buying on ebay.

I will be replacing it with an iPad mini IF/WHEN it goes retina.

a Jukebox (Spotify), a TV (Hulu, Amazon Prime VOD), email, social media (which I use G+/Twitter WAY MORE than FB), ordering stuff (Amazon,, etc), texting (talkatone/iMessage), Voip/Facetime. Web browsing chiefly. I hammer LH/The Verge/Engadget all day (that sounded perverted) to see news, usually by proxy of

The sole thing to not mess with more than a deity (NOT THE ARGUMENT) is that the IRS will come down like a bajjillion ton bag of bricks (I know flawed metaphor whatever).

Sorry for delayed response. SENT :D