
Look at us still talking when there's science to do :D

I used that when my bro in law said he could have bought the same machine he just ordered from amazon from best buy (one was a custom build type dealio, the other a dell, similar specs), but I said "yeh, but you would be getting a dell." I think Dells are great, all the machines people give to me when they upgrade

Agreed, an iPad is nice, but the $99-$149 (16 & 32 GB) is good, but $275+ is a deal breaker for me. I would rather a netbook with Chromium OS for that price tag.

Buy a kindle, which costs more. Oh, btw it has Kindle.

I Hope they buy the Touchpad rights and port anything fast to it. Such as android!

I would say something snarky or say please don't be an....

We do something similar, one of us will (in my family) try and get some sort of deal.

See, it's replies like this I enjoy as much as the articles. Gooooood point!.

I personally prefer a gift I know was gotten at an amazing deal.

I do not discredit golfing as a sport, but certainly, the criteria of swimming or running is a little different.

They lost the ability to do multi tab preview in Lion.

I just desperately want the following 1.) Bookmark sync. 2.) nope never mind, just the one thing

I have some sort of Poweredge 1U from Dell I found in my dumpster at work.

You won. Good job, you the victor, (applause)

Diesel smart cars would be awesome. They have allegedly crap for their pick up and go, but smart cars do not have that anyway, but they (the diesel models) get something like 70mpg. Try to beat that in a hybrid, that would be amazing.

Well, it is with anything that people embrace. Dumb isn't correct. If it is dumb, then so is an SUV.

My sister in law got an AMAZING deal and grabbed a PT Cruiser with less than 40k miles for $5.4k. It is really nice, has spotless interior, and loooooooook puuuuuuurrrrrple.

"That argument is pretty out of date. Might want to check your facts again."

Invites (after using 2 already) seem to be a go again. Meaning I have 2 more.

They are in the game to make money.