I am so very hoping iOS comes to sprint. Free 3g/4g (I know on the 4g, but I actually have it, still use WiFi anyway) & the upgrade cycles make me love Sprint (for now).
I am so very hoping iOS comes to sprint. Free 3g/4g (I know on the 4g, but I actually have it, still use WiFi anyway) & the upgrade cycles make me love Sprint (for now).
We do, we buy gas, spend on shows a-la-carte, pay bank fees out the ying-yang (Damn you BoA) and pay tickets errrr taxes.
You are not alone. I have the base model one gen back (2nd not 3rd gen) and it loaded like poo when on Wifi.
I am attempting to figure out how to ascii do a thumbs up agreement....
El Duderino, if you're not into the whole homage thing.
I want to thumb this up, applaud you for your brains and agree wholeheartedly. ALWAYS treat the customer with respect, and please do the likewise to us in the service industry.
I feel this way also. To boot, they often are SOMETIMES justified in enforcing policy, due to some customers do not like to hear NO.
Ah, k, sorry for a snippy retort, I have had people be trolls, you are not, just sometimes I get defensive instinctively, meaning, jabbed in ribs, now I flinch :D
Something wrong with my methods?
I would counter with same. Nook is better, lots of reasons, it just is.
Yeh, some people are comfortable, don't want change. I get it, but when change is good, I pull my head out of the sand :D
I was watching Google IO, and BOOM went to site & signed up for invite for wife & self. Got in early, use it tons. I SOSOSSOSOSSOOOOO like it. and I have tried RDIO, spotify, had Pandora Premium One (Pandora ONE?) and still prefer to consume & purchase on case by case basis. :D
If you signed up just now, they do not appear (YET) to be available to new, only existing.
You do not care, but allot of us do.
ok, so those are gone now. Hehe, oh and if you just signed up to your beta, no invites appear to be present. but on the flip side, it works with Google Apps accounts :D (don't think it is able to be admin through domain though).
Try the new Nook Touch, I upgraded, SO MUCH better!
So is a flashlight in the eyes.
Nook. Touch.
Nook. One word Answer
Nook Touch.