Do I need a nickname?

because stupidity shouldn’t have a death sentence

No. They should have been arrested for reckless endangerment.

Yes, this movie is awful and awesome at the same time.  I watch it almost every time I stumble across it.

I’m extremely disappointed that no one has mentioned the best prize offered in cereal to this day: a free copy of Chex Quest. Not only was it a free Doom-clone FPS game, it was awesome.

I’m not the biggest fan of watermelon sorbet or candy, but would definitely try this. Ginger beer and bourbon are the base of a Kentucky Mule, so you can’t really go wrong with a fruity variant.

Read the article - the incident occurred on a bridge that the police had blocked both ends of. There are only 2 ways off the bridge at that point: 1) jumping off the bridge (lol), or 2) going between or around the cops at one of the ends.

You’re giving him too little credit. He worked very hard on these!

Everyone knows being blocked from getting something makes you want it more.

Those are all rectangular bars, just segmented into different shapes.  This whole argument is about whether the bar itself being square is iconic to Ritter and can be reserved by patent.

You’ve always been able to patent shapes. In the US, these are design patents, which reserve the “look” of your widget. Kind of like a physical trademark. It’s a whole separate league from functional patents that everyone thinks of when they hear the word “patent”.

This will change dynamics in the House for women and men and it’s about damn time.

It’s MS-13's new outreach program!  How insidious!

yada yada, Hanlan’s Razor or something, yada yada.

I’m really hoping that was just some Jez editorializing / summarizing / satire. I’m kind of scared to go look up if it was the actual reply.

I like how she couldn’t crop the backdrop image (whatever the fuck it’s called on Twitter) to get the 2020 fully legible.

There’s nothing to sink in. If you’ve worked in the corporate world much, you’d know that training for even the most mundane things is fairly common. Largely (at least for said corporate world) so that the company can easily point to the training as why you violated something or other and got fired for it, preventing

You misread the article. He’s a 21 year veteran of the force, not a 21 year old person. He’s been a police officer for 21 years.

While I’m not one of those new-age no-”chemical” hippies, vinegar likely works for killing coronavirus just like it is reasonably effective at killing most other germs in the house. It’s weaker than most of the chemical based cleaners so you would need to up the concentration or increase the contact time.