Do I need a nickname?

I mean, you push the button a single time to disable the auto-start/stop. It defaults to enabled every time you start the vehicle, but there is probably a way to alter that if it really bothers you. It’s only occassionally (usually in colder weather) that the car shudders a bit when the engine restarts.

It’s all relative.

I think people who want to know which establishment has “the best chicken tenders I’ve ever eaten!” tend to consult Yelp reviews. At least, that’s what I see in all the non-internet-viral restaurants’ pages.

Don’t wear a mask, don’t get shots. Go die to own the libs, I don’t care anymore.

You can’t have been. It’s viral on TikTok and therefore new.  

Ultimate Frisbee isn’t the people’s game. It’s played mostly on those woke, librul, socialist, US-hating college campuses. Get outta here with your bad ideas!1!!one!

In a DM to Kotaku, Hitchcock offered additional ideas: “Imagine: a creator sends a special token to everyone who owns 5 or more of their art NFTs, and this token grants the viewer access to a special Discord, a calendar of private super-fan events, and discounts on merch form their store.”

When the man, Kelly Sills, was confronted by security at a Disney restaurant about missing the safety procedures required to enter the park

Anecdotally, the few people I know who’ve had Covid and gotten a vaccine experienced their worst symptoms from the first shot (Moderna if that makes a difference). All 3 of them said the second shot was basically nothing but they had fairly strong reactions to the first with fevers, soreness, and fatigue.

I’ve had a Switch since day one and I JUST ran out of space this past Christmas (And I don’t have a MicroSD in there).

I’m in Florida

I’m kind of surprised not all states prioritized them to begin with.  My state (which isn’t exactly high up on the most educated list) put them in group 1B, immediately after nursing homes and healthcare workers and in the same group as 70+.  We do have a Dem governor - so maybe we have our shit together a bit better

Another reason this is pertinent information is that kids are not currently approved in Emergency Use. Knowing when they will be available for kids is a pretty important question for those that care.

but any good engineer should already have a bunch of that on hand.

Further proof that racism is a core Republican value these days and not solely attributed to Trump and co.

I’ve never understood the allure of D2 pvp.  I didn’t find it fun or exciting.  It largely consisted of classes teleporting around (via items when not a sorc) and trying to 1-shot people offscreen.  Ping played far more into pvp than any kind of skill did.

Says who? They’ve barely been enacted, how the fuck can the Trump GOP faithful know if they’ve been a disaster or not?

the CEO said “a visual device that people can walk around and see how it behaves under natural lighting conditions” and he continues on to elaborate how this is part of prepping for the 1:1 scale model.

I’d be amazed if he actually was going with any friends (his or his daughters).

Prison is as much a way to remove the criminal from society (and thus not forcing the rest of us to deal with more criminal activity) as it is supposed to be a way to help reform those that get imprisoned. Sorokin may have found it pointless, but I’m sure the people that she would have grifted in the meantime are