Do I need a nickname?

I’m totally on board with your sentiment, but this caught me a bit off guard:

If that were true, Rand Paul would never have contracted it. Granted, his case was nearly asymptomatic but the only thing he has empathy for is his pocketbook.

Booker may have gotten 80% of the vote in the largest city

Exactly.  I was just pointing out the difference.  Governments (or the public for that matter) can’t do much about private statues on private property.  Especially if the owners feel no shame.  See Dan Snyder and the Washington Redskins.

This isn’t all that inaccurate, unfortunately. The reality in Kentucky (kind of like with Doug Jones) is that Republican leaning people have to be swayed to vote Democrat in order to win. Plenty of arguments can be made on why that is (voter suppression, gerrymandering, etc.), but it becomes extremely hard to win

I think you missed that he said he didn’t know of any federally funded Jesus statues. Plenty of private ones exist like your pictured one and Big Butter Jesus in Ohio.

I recently used a replacement kit (was something like $8 on Amazon for the misc tools and a replacement stick) and it was super simple to do by watching a YouTube video of the process. I’d recommend it to anyone that’s getting frustrated by drift before shelling out $80 for a new JoyCon set.

Cop shows that don’t attempt to seriously grapple with the fundamental problems of policework and police culture are selling a misguided idea of what being a cop is.

This is the right take.  It’s a shit decision to have to make, but it was the right one.  Throw shade at the dipshits who were told this was coming and did nothing to help ramp up PPE production until shortages were on the immediate horizon, not Fauci.

Math is super hard apparently, but my math isn’t matching yours.

They do normally. However, with the RNC convention being split now between NC (due to contractual obligations) and FL, they have decided to omit the voting on the platform and instead carry forward their previous document in an un-revised state.

If you read the article, they still aren’t (intentionally) condemning him. They’re just collectively too stupid to even realize the existing wording was relative and now points to Trump instead of Obama.

Fischer, while a Democrat, is basically just a businessman. He’s trying to grow prospects in the city, but doing the literal bare minimum for anything else. I’ve mentioned it before on this site, but he’s been especially weak in dealing with LMPD and let’s them do whatever they want.  Body cameras are supposedly

“The messaging that works for the red-MAGA-hat base doesn’t resonate with independents.”

Hey, it’s a good way to transfer that VC capital into their personal bank account, regardless of if the whole venture goes south or not.

The conservative “villain” of the story posed for a photo op to show the American people that conservatives care,

My guess would be that in a briefing he said something along the lines of “Can’t we just crush them with the military?” and then his henchmen started digging in books to find anything that could possibly give him that authority.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if the FOP helps supply him a retirement package to make up for it. He circled his wagons for them, so they’ll likely scratch his back too.

Also, Mayor Fischer has done a lot to try and integrate West Lousiville with the rest of the city and to protect the city from they Republicans who govern the state. He’s fighting what may be a losing battle, but he’s genuinely trying.

adding hash browns to a bacon, egg and cheese is kind of a no-brainer—especially when you consider that they’re the backbone of any self-respecting breakfast burrito.