RIP Harry Style's Manbun

I feel like 90s nostalgia is slowly fading though, and we are working on early 00's nostalgia (which, yes, the very early 00s were just the height of the 90s but still).

he is kind of super religious too (which fine, be religious but keep it to yourself please) and then the whole thing with the cat.

1. It’s not like the Republican Party just started “messing with [her] community” after the election after promising to support trans rights.

2. If the “dealbreaker” for Caitlyn Jenner is “messing with [her] community,” then it’s pretty clear she’s totally cool with Republicans (or any political party) messing with a

Ted Nugent is a guy who once bragged about shitting his pants to avoid serving his country. The fact conservatives embrace him is just another reason why their world view is irreconcilable with critical thinking.

There isn’t a politician alive who could out-campaign The Rock. It wouldn’t even be a fair contest.

Can we please not promote anything related to Mama June? This woman’s boyfriend went to jail for raping her daughter, and when he got out she decided to date him again. We do not need to help her get paid by TLC by giving her more attention.

I can’t wait for Margot’s movie.

she says she was “fully mentally prepped” to be raped by the men, and adds, “I just prayed that Kourtney’s going to have a normal life after she sees my dead body on the bed.”

Well, the press didn’t take him seriously, yet focused all their attention on some stupid emails and...

Listen to the podcast and we will tell you.

Courtney wrote a great book on what goes on behind-the-scenes


only reading this post cause it’s Kara and not because i gaf about this series

I know reality tv is not brain food, and it’s not “harmless” in all cases but I love “trash tv” as much as the next person and have a doctorate. Sometimes, I don’t want to watch something “thought-provoking” when I get home from doing research on meaty issues like incarceration rates, recidivism and sexual abuse. I

Mother always asks him to be home for dinner by 5pm and the exciting stuff just always seems to happen when he’s at home, doing chores and clearing the table! Mother is such a stickler.

This all stems from a bullying incident in Shaq’s past when a smaller but more talented player defeated him in a game of one-on-one in front of a large crowd of onlookers. Truly, the bullied do often become bullies themselves. It’s a vicious cycle.

Matt Damon deserves a bunch more shit for his part in this. He pressured outlets to not ask about this or write about this in the press tour. He clearly saw what happened with Nate Parker and used his influence to gloss over this assholes deplorable behavior. Standard Damon

When I was in elementary school I was a loyal viewer of the show Fashion Television. And I remember I had this visceral hatred of Lagerfeld, who I thought was a pretentious twat. Which, with hindsight, is sort of an hilarious thing for a 9 year old to even have an opinion about.

Does my memory serve me that his

I totally support this technique, and I think more artists should consider it. A few years ago I met a lawyer who is a total social justice warrior. I was shocked to hear that she works for [an evil corporation]. I asked her how that squares with her life outside of work and if she ever feels conflicted. She happens

The only time John McCain was a good idea was when the alternative was George W. Bush.