Thomas Hajicek

It’s cute that you think it will *only* be four years.

Thank you!

Like the people who voted for the orange menace, Cyberturd buyers are due for some epic buyer’s remorse.

I can’t blame them for thinking the Cybertruck market might be ripe ground for the Greater Fool Theory.

They know what they’ve got, but they don’t want to keep it.  I wonder why.

This. I’ve lost my last reserves of empathy for the dipshits who voted for this. I don’t want innocent people hurt, but it’s going to happen. I will feel no sympathy for the red-hats whose daughters die from back-alley abortions. No sympathy for parents who lose children to easily-preventable childhood illnesses. No

Congress being GOP means that the has a has clearer path on new laws he’d like to pass; Mitch indicated the filibuster isn’t going anywhere, but he’s not going to be Senate Majority leader, so who the fuck knows what happens.

Hertz is doing something stupid and having it blow up on social media is as predictable as a rainy day in Seattle 

He probably thinks it’s tough because a new cybertruck and this mangled wreck look identical.

Maybe everything looks like a bag of nails when you’re that big a tool?

This is actually an outstanding idea for places with street parking. Now after installing them make sure you do the maintenance on them so people can know they will work when they need them. “so operators know immediately when the charger needs repair.” I will believe that when I see it.  All the other non Tesla EV

Finally, DHL’s practice of chronic shipping delays pays off!

Exhibit A for the motion to hold him in contempt.

They actually appear to be torx head screws if you look closely. Also the orange stuff appears to be glue

Trump, Dershowitz, Stone, Giuliani; all of them that make up the current crew of corrupt Republican assholes learned from the absolute chaos goblin master of legal nihilism, Roy Cohn. According to Roger Stone, Cohn’s “absolute goal was to die completely broke and owing millions to the IRS. He succeeded in that.”

Not just contempt. I’d think he’s definitely flirting with theft charges at this point. He’s possessing (and hiding) somebody else’s property. Maybe some brave soul with a rented CyberTruck will run him off the road in an act of SWEET VIGILANTE JUSTICE!

Drumpf, the only moron that could get me to vote for a Democrat president for the third time.

I haven’t seen much commentary yet about how this promise would turboviolate his own “better than NAFTA” agreement that he previously was so incredibly proud to brag about.

Thanksabunch Nostradumbass.

The kind of person who would rent a Cybertruck is EXACTLY the kind of person who would destroy it living out some Fast and Furious fantasy because they can’t control their emotional impulses and want to see themselves as some kind of vigilante hero.