Thomas Hajicek

I guess my question is why is there a race category on a red light ticket? If there is an option for Not Applicable then it sounds like we can drop the category all together.

Well now you’ve lost it, caused a scene and done criminal damage - suddenly now the flight is on time. 

They knew.

Lets hope, for the sake of the species, it kills as many of these idiots as is humanly possibly.

If you think you wake up in the same position you were in when you fell asleep, you really ought to set up a camera to find out just how much people move in their sleep.

Everything has to be a trend I guess. This one is particularly dumb. Look people, if you want to feel belonging to something, join a club and stop making humanity look bad.

How are they still looking for her? Don’t they have a name and address from when she booked the flight?

Guess Doc wasn’t kidding in Part 2 when he said that Biff’s ‘46 Ford would rip through the DeLorean like tin foil.

I feel like you typed out my comment for me. I mow and edge to keep all my neighbors from hating me, but as soon as we can, we are moving to clover. I welcome all the dandelions and weeds currently, but it would be nice to turn the “lawn” into something for the pollinators at least. Plus the micro clover seems to need

Unless a wall and a blindfold are involved there are any number of others ready to step into the vacancy. Considering the conviction wasn’t towing related the rest of the tow companies remain at the ready.

Reminds me of good ‘ole Lincoln Towing in Chicago. Somehow still in business after 50+ years of breaking the law. They did get shut down for a year or so after a string of lawsuits, one of them for towing a ComEd/Comcast (or similar utility) boom truck with a worker still in the bucket. Guy fell and got pretty

How about the refund everyone who they towed a few hundred dollars as well.

I think what would solve this most of all is if local governments started adding charging outlets for street parking. Even 2 nema 14-50 outlets on every street lamp would go a long way. 

Elon as far as I can tell never gave a damn about the environment. He just went into the businesses with the tax subsidies so there would be money, money, money! going his way. He against them now (how convenient).

The new Fiat Grand Panda has exactly that, a coiled cable built right into the nose of the car.

no one with 4 private jets is an environmentalist. he also tops the list for number of private jet flights taken a year and hes in first place by a huge margin. and hes been begging the city of austin to redraw the city limits around gigatex so he can dump an unlimited amount of waste into the river here. fuck elon.

You’re conflating stupidity with willful ignorance. For most, a car is your second biggest purchase after your home. To not take the effort to be somewhat literate of the process is negligence on this guys own behalf. As others have said, if he has access to reddit, he has access to the entirety of human knowledge

If you haven’t already, look up your local university cooperative extension. They will have lots of resources and maybe even free seeds and plants depending on your area.

This is the way. I’m actually a soil Conservationist and try to convince people to over seed with clover all the time. “It fixes it’s own nitrogen, it uses less water, helps pollinators etc etc. but nope, a completely clean lawn that drinks tons of water and needs fertilizer every few months is what people want. I

Now it makes sense why they don’t like a diversity of plants in their pure grass lawn.