Thomas Hajicek

The best, and currently only, Marvel movie to have released so far in 2024

My favorite part of Madame Web is when she eats all the spiders and says “It’s Morbin’ Time”

It was a lot of fun to watch, the dub over dialogue was so good.

That’s all I need to know to oppose whatever they are pushing.

User: Please tell me about the Titanic.

Did you know he is a senator? Mel Brooks answered how well high level government officials have to follow the rules a LONG time ago.

3rd Gear: Maybe the federal government should stop handing out tax breaks and subsidies to Big Oil and Big Corn.  Then maybe they will rethink their bullshit strategy.

Moving to Texas only benefits him.  The employees get nothing out of it. 

People should understand something - most of Elon’s successes weren’t a product of his work. He buys his way in, then takes it over and claims credit for it.

Seriously, even if they didn’t lose a drop of oil tearing apart the engine IT CAME IN BECAUSE OF AN OIL LEAK. What service department wouldn’t top off the oil in that case? Look, people try to get shit like curbed wheels repaired all the time for free so I understand part of the dealer getting defensive, but the oil

Then they went to the  One Child policy and that worked even better for them.

I notice that the invoice misspelled “vacuum” as “vavuum.”

I could agree about the 8 mile test drive for a rebuild - but the bigger concern is they test drove it knowing it was low on oil. A quart and a half might not be terrible, but it’s not good. Seems like that’s operating outside manufacturer specs which would make the entire rebuild suspect in my book. What else did

Maybe they’re changing their name to ClosedAI.  That was his condition for dropping the lawsuit.

That was so so bad.

We only see things from Osha’s perspective after the start of the fire. I think the broader destruction and the death of the Coven were the product of a confrontation between the Coven and the Jedi (probably kicked off by THE overzealous padawan that was assaulted/embarassed in this episode and years later kills

An electric boat?

Trump will get the SPACE FORCE to mine bitcoin on MARS!!!