Thomas Hajicek

You know what sort of propulsion had no issues with being put under water, STEAM yes we need coal powered steam boats and we will have them 

I’m starting to feel like his brain is mush and these are his coherent thoughts.

Weird that the guy that commanded the armed forces forgot about the Navy.

Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all

Excited About the Brand New Siri? Here’s How Long You’ll Have to Wait

I mean, why even bother with this crap if you really have that much money? I honestly don’t get it.

Agreed about how Tesla likes to make small changes through model years.

Agreed, it wouldn’t be the same without John Candy and Joan Rivers. I’d rather see Jews In Space like everyone else. 

But now you can buy/sell Pokemon cards at GameStop, the final piece to rebuilding!

I can’t bring myself to root for him.

Gamestop, as it stands, is just as unviable a company in 2024 as it was in Dec 2019 when the stock price was at $5. It’s business model is antiquated, the brick and mortar employees are still getting shafted, and all Roaring Kitty did was make already rich people richer as they had

It’s irrational but I’m going NP for a unique and clean example of a kind-of out there vehicle. It’d be fun to cruise around in, fun to show, useful for real errands, and easy enough to keep running. Plus it’s probably the friendliest Dodge truck on the road today. It’s been on CL for 18 days, so chances are good you

Donny Don’t likes this.

Rereading Elons comments again it’s all about “Hey look at me! Don’t pay attention to Tim! I need the spotlight more the Apple!  Guys I'm over here!  Look at me!  Look at me!

If you’re still working for twitter  x, what phone that’s in your pocket is the least of your worries.

Sell it to the highest bidder. And then the next 20 highest bidders after that. They don’t sell it to the next highest bidder after those though. It’s not that they have principles, mind you. It’s just that there were only 21 bidders

Well we all know when Elon says something you can take it to the bank because he never lies or exaggerates so if he says Apple is not to be trusted, you know that Elon only has your best interests at heart and isn’t doing it because of some personal vendetta.

I'll start my own smartphone! With blackjack and hookers!

“Visitors will have to check their Apple devices at the door, which will be stored in a faraday cage.”

the community notes under his tweets are fucking hilarious

Don’t you dare do what Don Dare don’t dare to do, Don Dare what Doug Dimmadome Don do, Don build the Dimmsdale Dimmadone, and Don you forget it.