Thomas Hajicek

Imagine how many more cars Tesla could sell if they’d just replace their CEO? How is this not obvious to their board of directors?

You’re thinking way too hard. Musk isn’t playing 3D chess. He got mad at someone telling him no and fired her entire department as a warning to others to never say no to him.

Perhaps an electric RV or a new CyberTruck to pull a new RV?

Reason 7342820 I’ll never buy a Tesla to finance Elmo.

Clarence Thomas, I’m sure, can find a way to allow it. For a small consideration, I’m sure.

A two person rage-Tweeting Voltron made of colossal idiots. Guys, I’m starting to think we aren’t going to make it.

The one with the Count is my favourite.

I will even accept more slideshows of these.

Looks like a good day for Gravity Kills’ 1996 self-titled album. Guilty has 7.3 million plays when their closest other high-playing song is 1.3 million and their average plays is somewhere between 100-300,000.

I completely agree. I actually honestly feel bad for many Republicans. I grew up in a predominantly conservative Republican area, and most folks there were generally good people. They weren’t racist. They had compassion for others. They raised a lot more money for the poor and needy through their churches than any

When I had to approve my sign in this morning

Sure, just after they got finished programing in how to drop guns on the bodies of the black people they shoot.

Sure... but will they be able to to teach the drones to reflexively shoot dogs?

As of this writing, it doesn’t appear as though Hair is facing any charges related to the incident.

Does the extra s in Jellybeanbrainss mean Jellybeanbrains (and probably Jellybeanbrainz) was already taken?

In theory, he could still apply to any police department should he choose to.

We have to start accepting that compact SUV’s are really just tall cars.  In fact they are tall wagons.  So basically we have won by tricking America into buying our favorite jalop-vehicle.

People don’t want cars. As I said in the story, the compact SUV is by far the most popular segment in the U.S., it is what people actually want to buy and own. There are already a lot of crossovers with very impressive drag coefficients and efficiency figures, too.

If you’re a user of any Google property, you’re part of the problem by feeding it business.