Thomas Hajicek

This latest update to search finally provided me the impetus to switch to Duckduckgo and start playing with Kagi.

I liked the king of the hill battle on the back of the hauler where they were throwing the Stenhouse crew off, except the 1 crew member just chilling behind them. 

Not to be a conspiracy weirdo, but I can’t imagine that it’s easy to miss when trying to punch someone you’re standing 2 feet away from. Pretty obvious staged nonsense. 

It’s actually more difficult stay at constant ‘alert for sudden takeover’ status than it is to just drive.

There is plenty of fault to go around here. You can’t call something “Full Self-Driving” that can’t see flashing crossing lights and a damned TRAIN across the road. And the driver is a complete and utter moron for not immediately taking control. My guess is that they were not really paying attention, because for dammed

A runner for credit card money that won’t bore you to tears but is also disposable when it breaks. It will find a home for something near that price. It might even last long enough for the buyer to decipher that center stack.

Seriously. The site is essentially unusable on mobile. The embedded videos try to make themselves full screen, and even when you try to minimize or close them, they will re-expand to full screen multiple times. 

Am I the only one that thinks it’s fucking wild we’re getting what seems to essentially be a semi-sequel to The Incredible Hulk some 17 years later but as the 4th Captain America and with no Hulk(s) in sight?

That’s fuckin weird, right?

yes yes it does.

The guy that was arrested was backing up the entire time while the cop was the aggressor.

Sure, bud. It’s the Porsche owners who have fragile egos. Not the vapid man-baby who buys entire companies on a whim (only to burn billions by failing by every conceivable metric) and his bootlicking fans.

We’re already there on that one, that is why they always claim in the small print it is just fancy cruise control and why Teslastans always say the people killed by it were using it wrong. They’ve already admitted Self Drive is a scam, even as they continue to sell it.

Who cares? Very clearly Tesla cared since they invented the story ...

What’s more concerning is that the Cybertruk and well many electric cars, are stupid fast.  Like absurdly fast.  Dangerously fast.  Especially considering the types of folks that will often be driving them (dingbat tech bros).  If you see one of these things on the street, give it a wide berth. 

half his mind working to improve electric vehicles for the masses, some of it working to save social media from bots and a bit more working on taking us to Mars.

The R1T still seems like the best e-truck offering to me.  I’m just somewhat scared at the long-term viability of the company, but I get the feeling that if things got bad enough for Rivian, they’d likely be scooped up by a more major brand.  Hopefully that’d mean long-term support, but it could just mean vultures

“The Second Most Popular Electric Truck On The Market”

Glacier National Park? Hm... what glaciers? QQ

I’ll never judge someone for seeking out the experience, but like you, it’s not for me. It’s in the same camp as an MLB game, or any major sporting event really. The value added from multiple camera angles, commentary from experts, and comfort of home is just too high for me. Maybe I am too casual of a fan to really

Yeah, he’s not a bad guy. But then neither is Homer Simpson and yet...