Thomas Hajicek

Are those hilltop houses the ones where the girls come easy and the drugs come cheap?

Yeah, Shatner’s desperation just reads as sad to me at this point. It’s been 30 years since Generations. And he’s still out here at age 93 grubbing to get back in. Or he’s doing pathetic autograph signings. He was in rural Ohio a few weeks ago, literally the middle of nowhere, and he charged $150 for an autograph. The

If a million bucks looks like a steaming hot pile of dog doo, then I guess you’re right. 


You forgot the “/S”.

It looks like a cheap kit car plunked on top of a proper drivetrain.

I think it is an under-appreciated blessing that Elon and his cult members have given us is that in such divided and divisive times, we can unite to hate on and laugh at CT owners.

Don’t think anyone is saying he shouldn’t be allowed to exists there (anyone reasonable at least), I think the issue is the VIP McLaren garage tour with F1 brass/double standard applied to the drivers vs. the teams.

When it is cozying up to power, it isn’t political.

Well, you can ask that. But I wouldn’t expect any automaker pulling these kind of shenanigans to grant it to you. Subscription services aren’t for your benefit; they’re designed to smooth out and maximize the company’s cash flow.

As it’s depending on legislation, it will probably either void warranty or/and the longevity of the battery. And they can’t meet the legislative minimums while adding that bit of range.

Yes, and they’ll re-lock it w/ the next OTA update. I suspect they’ll lose money on this though. Very few people will pay for it, but Tesla incurs the HW and PR cost on every vehicle.

It would be a fair response to having microtransactions foisted on you after the fact.

I don’t so much blame automakers from trying the subscription type model. It is rather successful in other industries, so it’s clearly appealing.

If there was profit to be had in not losing bags, Capitalism would’ve solved that problem ages ago.

It does.

Dodge is planning the same thing for the Charger EV’s Stage 1 and Stage 2 kits for (smirk!) “adding” more horsepower to the vehicle.

What’s unlocking that extra range gonna do for the longevity of the battery? Wasn’t keeping the battery soc (state of charge) within healthier limits the main reason for sealing it away in the first place?

Are jailbroken Teslas going to become a thing? 

I vaguely remember a Peter Dinklage quote from GOT that was “whenever somebody says this, you should just ignore the part before the ‘but’. Everything before that doesn’t matter.