Thomas Hajicek

I think the bigger issue is having a buddy with a Cybertruck...

Huge Golf II Country 4x4 vibes regarding the design. Kinda like a nice modernization of VW design.

He then reportedly pulled his gun out, forcing the officer whose car he just hit to draw his gun as well, before Montalvo eventually dropped it."

The same people who run and enforce HOA rules.

I mean the whole dealer system exists as a massive price-fixing workaround for monopoly laws, so I’d say 76% of Americans know what’s up

Silly rabbit that’s old tech. TIE Fighters and X-Wings were used a long time ago. 

24% of Americans are deluded. Because 100% of dealers are lying scumbags.

They fact that they actually used the phrase “ONLY about one third” in reference to attempts to be defrauded by car dealers blows my mind. Terrible writing terrible angle.


This is the car you make your Fantasy Football last place finisher drive for a year.

Alternate headline:  Apparently 24% of Americans work at/for dealerships

Want to fix all this? Create a one page sheet that shows MSRP, dealer invoice price and customer price. Then include all fees and taxes added as a result of the dealer customer price.

Yep. The “I need to tow” card comes out a lot in these arguments. How often? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to rent a tow vehicle for that once annual need and have a much more useful vehicle for the other 364 days?

This is part of President Trump’s Minority Outreach program! After all, Elon Musk is African American!

And so was Trump’s mom.

Call JG Wentworth!

You forgot one of the other most important characteristics, rich.

Isn’t Elon an immigrant?

I dunno. There’s another famous billionaire who is so over-leveraged he can’t come up with the bonds for his court-imposed fines.

dude is running out of cash and what better way than to start a suing spree