Thomas Hajicek

The funny thing is how many of them say “This is why I don’t visit this site anymore.” repeatedly.

The “Take Our Border Back” convoy promised to bring 700,000 vigilantes to Eagle Pass. So far, it has a few dozen retirees.

Nothing says “Duhmerica” like a desecrated US flag duct taped to a truck hood.

Of all the scams ever pulled on the American people, linking cars to freedom has to be the biggest. Cars aren’t freedom. They’re expensive and the damage that having “Just Drive” as the default answer to every problem has caused so many more self perpetuating problems.

Adjusting the volume doesn’t mean you’re looking at the road

How will we eat them at the bottom of the ocean?

Surely it’s worth AT LEAST a lifetime Epic Pass, right? 

You don’t see that hybrid demand line turning nearly straight up?

That laughably small range aligns (at least with new ones) with the typical commute of lots of people. Many ways to solve transportation, you say it’s laughable, some say it’s perfect.

Exactly. Put a handcranked horn on the side, and you don’t even need a powerline. Just crank that siren for a few minutes and bingo.

Everyone knows the airplane and Amelia are in the Delta Quadrant. 

I’ve hated Elon WAY longer than he’s owned Twitter.

Well when you are led by a scatter brained twat waffle what do you expect.

Project PumpNDump

So my predictions: we’ll see it in 2029. The $25k price will be claimed to be 2018 dollars, so the “real” price will be $39,995. At that price it will be a RWD model, short range, black only, not available until 2031 and will be discontinued after one year. After that it’ll be a $50k starting price.

Is the codename for this one going to be “Pipedream”?

Given that inflation is not yet under control, Elon might get to claim that he was using 2018 dollars when he first spoke about the $25k car. By that time, $40k might be the new $25k.

Unfortunately, a lot of the way social media algorithms and platforms work makes it even worse. Once you log into your Reddit or Twitter account, you don’t see the main page anymore, you only see your chosen and related feeds, so it traps you in an endless loop of curated trash. For example, if you follow Donald

There was a time when older Americans used to preach, “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet!”

The Democratic National Committee reorganized its primary cycle to boost South Carolina—where Biden enjoyed a decisive victory in the last primary—and demote New Hampshire, where Biden came in fifth in 2020. The DNC marks South Carolina’s Feb. 3 election as the first officially sanctioned primary, meaning Biden’s