Thomas Hajicek

Everything about this project is stupid. He wants to sell expensive robots to do menial tasks. It is ridiculous. Much better robots exist for car manufacture (or any manufacture) that having two-legged ones stomp about, having to use and recharge batteries and never being able to get the precision of installed robots,

Sure theses robots will replace workers, but workers will get higher skilled jobs like a factory worker who has to wear a robot costume while they work.

I read the headline and pictured some robot picking up a complaining Tesla worker, throwing them away and replacing with a more subservient one 

Now playing

We can also build real shit, motherfucker. Have fun picking up them eggs!

I was thinking the same, it seems like they made it that long just to say it’s that long without any actual benefits

Yay, twice as many swirls!

We got a 235 foot paint scratcher/swirl maker 5000 here.

Even better start an EV company and have them be ICE vehicles and declare that they get unlimited range.

Came here to ask this exact question — if “paying attention” and “hands on the wheel” are prereqs, how is “autopilot” any diff than just regular ole’ driving?

I had a Chevy dealer attempt to charge $1200 for dealer prep. After digging at them they revelaed this included a pin stripe down the side of the car and nitrogen in the tires.....that already came from the factory with nitrogen in them....which is a scam in itself. They literally tried to scam the scam and cover it

Commercial speech in particular has been by far the easiest kind to regulate with the courts’ blessing basically forever, so the fact that Musk even thinks he’s trying this actually makes me think he’s even dumber than I’d thought yesterday.  I do not envy his lawyers.

I think he was also mad that Grimes could track him and he didn’t want to get served papers. 

What should be controlled through a touchscreen, nothing, leave the computer screen at home.

And that’s the actual problem: It is not safe to use it as anything but a glorified cruise control and lane assist. Your “benefit” of not using it properly means you endanger not only the occupants in your Tesla, but everyone else on the road.

Remember when Elon at first allowed @ElonJet on Twitter because it was free speech and then later kicked the account off because it was unsafe for his family? Apparently safety is only more important than free speech when it’s the safety of his family at risk.

All of them. Hope that helps. 

You know why there have been about 1000 Tesla crashes with Autopilot engaged? BECAUSE THEY CAN’T FUCKING DRIVE THEMSELVES WITHOUT HUMAN INTERACTION. I don’t have enough fingers to count the amount of times I’ve seen Tesla drivers doing dumb shit while the car is in Autopilot. Probably the worst I’ve seen is some guy

Musk’s electric car company argues that its claims of being self-driving are protected under free speech

I’m going to start an EV company and declare that my cars get unlimited range.

Good lawd here it comes: “we not a car company, we are tech company!”