Thomas Hajicek

I wonder when carmakers are going to calm the f--k down and stop making 500hp versions of their cars that nobody needs.

whatever is happening between the C and D pillars looks very hearse-like with that black roof

Weak physically, emotionally, morally, and mentally.

It makes a nice photo op, but a kitchen, dining room, and bedroom exposed to the elements would be a shit show in anything other than perfect weather.

Thankfully he can’t legally.  Ya know, the whole South Africa thing.

I’ve noticed quite a few people (and journalists) like to call it, “The site formerly known as Twitter.”

This isn’t a democracy, or some board-driven campaign. Musk owns it outright. He’s never going to listen and he’s never going to back down. Your Twitter is dead. The sooner you recognize that, the sooner you can let it go.

I’m really curious how this show is going to work. I was “too old” for The Clone Wars when it came out and Rebels sort of came and went without me taking much notice. Last year, my wife and I started watching The Clone Wars because it seems to be the basis of so much of the new Star Wars canon. But we fell off

that’s for the insurance fraud after you’re tired of living on a lake

They had a lawful warrant. We don’t get to decide which laws we follow or don’t follow. If a cop shows up at your house with a warrant, and you say “Nah, I disagree with the judge here..” guess what? The cop is going to come in anyway. The only reason Twitter was able to get away with this, while you can’t, is because


Most other ways to make $170k involves sitting in an air conditioned cubicle.

What a baby, no wonder he loves Trump.  They’re both like children who cry whenever someone is mean to them.

As many have discovered in the past, simply saying “Call me x” doesn’t work. Trying telling your coworkers you legally changed your name to “Bonesaw” and don’t be shocked they still call you Ted.

The only way to win is not to play...

So glad I never got tempted by Twatter. Or Facecrook. I can’t stand Musk.

Anyone still relying on Twitter kind of deserves what they’re getting by now. Why is anyone still giving Elon money?

Inherit 2.42 million dollars and collect 7% annual returns from the S&P of ~$170,000

One of the worst things that Musk has ever done is getting me to kind of like Zuckerberg a little bit.

Damn, I was really hoping this would be another "forced Twitter buyout" scenario where Musk somehow gets forced to actually go through with it.