Thomas Hajicek

Don’t get the monitor? At least, not the Apple one? 

This new Mac is considerably smaller than the Mac Pro and its cube-shaped design seems to be inspired by Apple’s Power Mac G4 Cube, an acclaimed computer that failed commercially after it launched in 2020.

Comparing ageism to systemic oppression of marginalized groups such as racism and sexism is a bit of a leap. Especially considering boomers are neither a) oppressed nor b) marginalized.

This is why it’s important to cross reference and get multiple sources. See some article or meme that matches your narrative on Facebook? Great! Double check Snapchat, confirm with TikTok, head over to instagram, triple check with Parler, circle jerk on 4chan and r/conservative. If all your sources check out, then

Cough, COVID. Cough, cough, cough... cough...

Those things are notoriously unsafe when machine gunned by British spies fleeing to their getaway plane at the nearby airstrip.

Ah, the desaturated US flag - official flag of the dumbass.

For someone who keeps on yapping about “freedum”, these types sure get triggered by others’ choice to wear masks.

I somehow doubt that.

He could also, you know, look out of a window.

On my flight home from Charlotte, a woman standing at the gate started to throw a fit about wearing a mask, and the (sassy) gate attendant simply said, “Ma’am, I don’t get paid enough to deal with your shit. You sit your ass down and put on your mask.

Remember when stupid racist assholes just kept their mouths shut and keep their awful opinions inside their heads? And now they’re emboldened to rant their bullshit in public like it’s no big deal. It’s like something encouraged them to come out of the Bigot Closet. I wonder what it was? Hmmm . . .

This is a bullshit list without the Ford Ranger. 

I’ve been a *very* DIY suburban homeowner for 20 years now, and the times I have felt I *needed* a pickup truck have been exactly never.

Hey, how much ya want fer dat beaver pelt coat over dare?

Yeah but that (and spinoff New Yankee Workshop) was awesome.

My mum’s obsessed with those shows. Last time I visited her and had dinner, she had those Ford siblings or whatever on the tube.

I was watching American pickers with friends...