Thomas Hajicek

Bad actors? Just wait till the movie starring Kevin Sorbo, Antonio Sabato Jr and Scott Baio comes out.

The point of the “audit” is not to review and check the ballots.

They got their IT certifications from the Dunning-Kruger Academy, a subsidiary of Trump U.

The Cyber Ninjas are far, far more likely to be guilty of fraud, making this whole thing a farce for political points.

Cyber Ninjas, if saw that name on a list of IT services I needed for anything serious it would be the first one crossed off the list as it sounds middle school ridiculous. That they can’t even do a fairly basic task is not a surprise to me, I wouldn’t even let them run the defrag on an old derelict PC.

I say this as someone who has voted straight republican since I was 18, I’m 41 now. THERE WAS NO FRAUD full stop. Trump lost because he went bat shit crazy in his last 2 years. He started this bullshit “If I lose it’s because there was fraud” line because he KNEW he was going to lose from the get go, and he wanted

Wait you need ALL of the drives together to access the data? I thought RAID meant I can raid the data, like raiding a black guys home for drugs!

“Is there a tibetan actor who could’ve done that?”

It later emerged that Cyber Ninjas simply didn’t know how to reconstruct a RAID storage array and thus locked themselves out of their own copies.

If they have high standards and are doing good fact checking, they have nothing to worry about.”

Counter\Co-bill: any public figure posting\spreading disinformation that can be fact checked and proven false is fined $1,00,000 in each instance, or faces jail time.

“Look at me! I’m a fireman! I can drive the fire truck! WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO!”

If you’re getting something in return, it’s not really “donating”, now is it? You’re selling your blood/plasma.

Facebook first became a big deal when I was in college. It’s amazing how the platform for young people to stay connected with each other morphed into the platform for old people to spread racist conspiracy drivel and anti-vaxxer bullshit. My brother finally left Facebook when he got sick of finding out which of his

Some folks even remember when it was invented to rank the female students at Harvard by their appearance.

How very, very trumpian.

He’s basically saying “it’s not our tech that’s the problem, it’s the environment in which that tech is deployed”. I suspect Musk may be starting to lay the ground work for breaking the news that current Teslas won’t ever truly befull self-driving”. They lack the equipment most industry experts think is required to

We can’t maintain our current roadway infrastructure, so we should increase the cost of every mile of road? Yeah, that will work well.

Put Elon Musk or Tesla in title = Clicks 
