Thomas Hajicek

So Republicans can lie with impunity again. How nice. 

Whoa, 32 inch vertical 16:9. How far away are you sitting? My WFH desk is pretty small so that would definitely have me nodding up and down. I think my set up would be perfect with two 24in 3:2 monitors (I also keep my laptop open to the side on a stand for video calls and Teams chatting). I definitely agree that it

Tesla makes luxury vehicles”

Neither Chevy or Tesla qualify for any tax credits, unless the new administration changes the rules.

Exactly this. People make excuses for Tesla just not being up to par, but there is a difference. It’s just not spec sheets, otherwise Kia and Hyundai would utterly dominate what normal people consider luxury.

I would take exception to calling a Tesla a luxury vehicle.

That’s conservatives for ya: Create a problem so they can profit from the solution and then tell you to give them all your money and they owe you nothing “so sue us.”

I’d piss on his grave too, except I hate standing in line.

I bet his grave is going to be damp year round.

Has Trump tweeted about it?  OH WAIT!  I BET HE HASN’T!

“[M]y wife was laid off of her job based off the association people gave to her and the business she worked for”.

I’m also not sure how one takes something out of context, when the entire message was posted, and he seemingly wasn’t replying to anyone directly, but making a general statement.  

I hope rabid weasels attack his genitals.

If mental gymnastics were an Olympic sport right wing politicians would be drowning in gold medals.

Person used to being on the government’s payroll goes on rant against government spending.

The City and County, along with power providers or any other service owes you NOTHING! I’m sick and tired of people looking for a damn handout!

Apple *Car* news, Apple *Car Play* leading image.

Well if it’s anything like my iPhones, that all sounds great. My 3gs and 6 both lasted 5 full years with adequate battery life, terrific performance, and no issues at all. If they get this car right - a hassle free vehicle with an exceptional user interface and premium reliability, I’m all about it.

Sucks when the free market makes its choice, amirite?