
Their overinflated sense of importance definitely leads them down this path. It’s the fallacy of “i succeeded in (blank) so i can show everyone how to succeed too”. Capitalism has rewarded them richly while stepping on the masses, and they are completely blind to that fact.

yeah i don’t wanna hear about billionaires unless they’re giving back significant portions of their wealth (beyond whatever is tax-efficient) to noble causes. they’ve directly, and indirectly pillaged the earth 1000000-fold compared to your average person (rough math), so maybe just pay it forward and shut the fuck up.

this dude should’ve given up once he got booed at a UFC fight. once he gets booed at this he’ll most assuredly be a guest of honor at the Daytona 500. if he gets booed at that hopefully he’ll give up on being president immediately.

bread and cereal go up there, that’s mandatory, and you can’t tell me otherwise.

rest assured if it were owned by a POC it would’ve been liquidated and dropped in the local police’s account within a week.

absolutely agreed on all fronts.

great article and the work you’re doing is amazing.

I really appreciate that. I think it’s important that folks understand who the real villains are—and sometimes corrupt individual advisers can be. LOL i wish I could help but, compliance haha. My suggestion would be to work with one of the larger firms like Vanguard, Fidelity, Schwab, etc. if you haven’t got a

please tell me more about how my profession works.

it truly is mind-boggling that police officers will receive protection for intentional criminal wrongdoing while the rest of us suffer dire consequences for even accidental errors. i understand that i’m not putting my life on the line like cops are, but that doesn’t justify giving them the protection that many

this was very well thought-out and put to words. I appreciate the perspective and i definitely agree with you.

you absolutely nailed it with that one. show me a financial adviser who lost or stole their clients money and you’ve shown me one with no clients, no money, and is probably in jail. 

you are very correct. the rollback of protective regulation by this admin is disconcerting. naturally the trump supporters have no idea they are being fucked by the very administration they love so dearly.

your Obama statement has nothing to do with your original statement, and is completely irrelevant to this conversation. in fact, his administration imposed much stricter regulation on the finance and mortgage industry after the fallout of the crisis. your strawman is bullshit.

seriously. people need to wake up and realize the boots don’t taste that great. and i say this stuff holding the belief that there are a lot of good cops out there. i know a couple. but when weeding out the bad apples is considered an attack on the police’s very existence you know the police state is too far gone.

I literally outlined in my comment what happens when financial advisers damage their clients.

nailed it. not to mention when the cops fuck up, the taxpayers are on the hook for the lawsuits. I’m gonna steal that response btw. 

their tears taste better than the first sip of coffee in the morning.

seriously, it’s unreal.

*insert Nick Young WTF face GIF*