
great article. I went to college in east texas, and met a friend who was from jasper. he told me about how he dated a white girl in high school and they literally had to creep for their entire relationship so as to not be spotted by anyone. for example: certain parts of town (white) he would have to duck down in the

you should see the shit the GOP mails to donors to scare them into donating more money. it would be a little less sad if i didn’t find out what they contain because i read them at my mother’s house. 

they love propping up the “opportunity zone” bs as if the residents of said neighborhoods are the ones “investing” in these projects. i work in finance and opportunity zones are nothing but an investment opportunity for wealthy suburbanites to diversify their assets. seriously. and all the “investment” does is drive

you put it really well. lots of disingenuous people will hold this up as some kinda “gotcha” when they had no intention of entertaining a conversation to begin with. 

I mean, I would say racism has been far more divisive than this article title could ever be. If someone is so bothered by this article title they probably had no intention of opening their mind anyway.

looks like the salty trolls found me LOL

Completely agreed! White fragility is a very real thing—just look at how most white people generally react to anything pro-Black such as your anthem example. These conversations are not meant to be comfortable, because like you said “comfortable” means nothing will change! I consider myself to be pretty informed and

I’m white and I didn’t find the title offensive, actually found it kinda humorous. any white person who is “turned off” by that probably wasn’t coming to the right side anyway

Armed aggressors dealing with a mental health crisis, petty drug charges (POSSESSION OF A FUCKING PIPE?!?), another dead black person at the hands of multiple police officers, lies from the department to coverup the murder, a massive amount of tax dollars ultimately being paid out to cover for criminally abusive

Goddamn this dude is amazing. Sad that I would have time to watch this interview the day he gets narrowly defeated by a moderate who is sure to keep bitch ass mcconnell in office.

it did come from China. should we blame the Chinese for our being grossly underprepared? he’s trying to shift the focus away from our piss-poor preparedness because people are rightfully blaming his administration. 

i really don’t condone violence in most cases.

are yall still beating that dead horse? if this guy felt the need to shoot a 15 year old kid for beating his weak ass he probably shouldn’t be following people around at night or carrying a weapon. fucking idiot.

i am by no means a bernie bro, but this doesn’t sound right. bernie does have some foot-in-mouth moments but one of this magnitude seems pretty unlikely.

Excellent piece Michael. I am truly terrified of looking at the greys. 

white collar worker can fuck right off. personal anecdote: i am a white male who grew up in a very diverse space, and i am lucky that my upbringing gave me perspective. i had a couple of instances when i was younger (in college) where i was scared to speak out against a white person saying racist shit. i felt like a

you are amazing. although i pretty much stopped going there because a) the place is depressing as fuck for reasons i can’t quite put my finger on and b) they got a lotta shit there but they never seem to have what im looking for when i go

headline gave me the laugh i needed today.

take that fucking L and go home already. “preserve our history” of what? being racist losers?

watch how republicans crow over the turnout on a Tuesday midday event, even though they are the ones who always accuse us liberals of not having jobs.