
very depressing, very correct. i was thinking this morning about how the right has successfully waged a war against higher education. even my mom, who was a teacher by profession and has a masters’ degree, believes now that colleges are some type of “liberal factory” that produce nothing productive for society. sigh.

he is getting more and more desperate as the walls close in. sondland flipped his testimony today. 

god dammit, of course there are willing donors. and these are the people who complain about “handouts”. fuck every last one of them.

rAcIsm iS dEad

Here’s a quick overview of how the “opportunity zone” thing works, per the Economic Innovation Group:

so you’re telling me the wall was a massive farce being utilized as a racist dogwhistle to lure ignorant voters? and it was latched onto by a toddler in an old man’s body so they actually had to build some of it? color me shocked

for all the good religious folk do in the name of their religion, i am almost certain that the evil done in the name of religion matches or exceeds it.

the comments/likes on the youtube video are beyond disturbing, and a serious indictment of our education system. you can spew some “anti-woke” BS and people think you’re a genius just for saying something different (and wrong).

damn. i’ve been arguing with my Kanye stan friend for a while about this and you summed up everything I’ve been trying to tell him perfectly.

Drew. you have given me more entertaining, witty, and poignant CONTENT than any other writer i’ve followed in my life. thank you, and thank your colleagues for their tremendous work over the years.

of course, and they know the universal truth that racism disappeared with a poof the second Obama was elected

filed to: further evidence that republicans couldn’t care less about vets, except when they need to use them as a prop

yeah, gotta advance that victim complex. look at how they treat social media giants who do everything in their power to pander to “both sidez”

i was just speculating. we all make compromises and if the guy can’t afford to lose his job over something like this I can’t really blame him. if he could afford to take that risk and/or he’s a trump supporter, then i’m inclined to think he’s a confused fool.

while I appreciate that sentiment, the reality is if you work for any decent size company that would receive bad publicity from something like this going viral you would be toast as soon as they found out. regardless of whether they agree with the sentiment. that’s just the reality of being an employee in this day

i was talking with a friend who is a huge kanye stan and he’s convinced himself that kanye is “breaking the mold once again” by getting people to attend church and listen to gospel music when they wouldn’t ordinarily do so. a very generous outlook.

i mean....although he looks like he’s young and possibly in college or something, he could’ve just been protecting his employment status. maybe if YG just asked him to say “fuck donald trump” instead of asking him to state his name first he would’ve done it. idk.

making this burner just to say deadspin has been a favorite of mine for years now, and it’s a shame that money is more important than great content. fuck the real snowflakes who can’t accept that sports are intertwined with society and the two can never be separated. love y’all.