I am so happy I could puke!
I am so happy I could puke!
Rita Moreno was one of the first prominent Puerto Ricans in Hollywood—one of the first , period—and remains a source…
Samaria Rice has issued a statement responding to the Cuyahoga County grand jury’s failure to indict either of the…
In 2014, Leslie Jones made headlines as a new Saturday Night Live member by delivering an incendiary joke about…
Lin-Manuel Miranda was reading Ron Chernow’s Hamilton on vacation, goes the fable of the year, when he was struck…
As uncharacteristically warm weather on Christmas Day breaks records across the eastern portion of the United…
A cafeteria worker in Pennsylvania surprised a room full of normally unimpressed teens this week with her stirring…
Fox is diving headfirst into the police brutality debate with a new thriller series titled Shots Fired.
On Wednesday, Racked published a guide to wearing socks with sandals, and that’s just so weird because we thought we…
I think Lin Miranda was on the shortlist for Person of the Year. Which he absolutely deserved, but not for Hamilton, which was ok I guess, if you like transcendently beautiful pieces of art that make you question what you knew of joy before you saw it. No, he should be Person of the Year for this stupidly great…
Lin-Manuel Miranda is just absurdly talented. I sat behind Jennifer Lawrence at Hamilton and it was the best day of my life.
Jezebel writers have grown accustomed to writing about the NFL, as players like Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, and Josh…
Boreanaz proves that vampires gain weight.
Wait a sec - it’s possible to be both fat and hot.
I think they get hot after they turn even if they were fat? That’s what I’m banking on for the holidays, anyway.
weirdest sex dream: having sexxx with my best friend...at commercial airliner cruising altitude. Only we weren’t in a plane. Just floating on air, completely naked, like 35,000 feet up over what looked like farm country. No trouble breathing, which was the strangest thing about the whole episode.
I once had a blasphemous dream. Think of it as the porn parody of Jesus.
I had my weirdest sex dream years ago at 19, nothing in my more adult life has trumped it. I was seduced by a man in a gazelle mask, not like an African traditional art mask, but like a legit gazelle head placed over his head. I followed him into a building, which turned out to be a bread factory and we banged (myself…
I will be your friend too!