Neither can I, Kim Kardashian. Neither can I.
In all seriousness, I was convinced my hormones were making me a crazy-person monthly, and was fascinated in determining a pattern. Never in that time did I ever feel happy! and peppy! and snooty! about it. Never did I want to write a condescending book about my findings. Because never did I think my theory was a new…
It will be pretty easy for the Rams to show Sam's cut was a football decision.
Real Genius 2, please.
Is it me, or is Val Kilmer getting skinny(-er)?
Yup. I've got one or two of those in my past, too. I don't think it goes away when teen years are over, either. I'd probably fall for it tomorrow, too.
Mara Wilson: TRUE. STORY. That bit in Love, Actually is not an exaggeration, by any means.
Last night my mother was sticking to her guns, that when a cop says stop, you stop. I couldn't explain to her the complications that come with racism and corruption. She wouldn't hear it. Her favorite shows are cop shows about good cops. I really want her to watch The Shield or The Wire and then have a discussion.
It's clear they are entitled power-abusers, and that's a tough thing to get in front of. You try to help them be good people, but they do everything they can to undermine that, simply because they have the ability. Example: releasing footage of the cigar theft against the US Dept of Justice's request. Idiots.
I took it as a way to curb looting. It's a tough situation, and I think as long as the Ferguson PD isn't in charge, it's a good call.
I'm one who has a serious problem with this. Had this happened to me, I'd have written a strongly worded letter to both Land's End AND GQ, raving about the force-fed objectification of women and how that bullshit needs to stop YESTERDAY and shame on GQ for trying to be Maxim. But it didn't happen to me. So I'm not…
Awesome. Thanks for the info. I love seeing the web—the world is so small, and I love all the hidden connections.
I thought it was odd that he showed up in The LXD, but then, he probably met these guys at dance class.
Yay. another one for the Boycott the Idiots list.
I needed a buddy in my own puddle. ;)