Yes, but how do I get his Mom's hair? I'm going grey with some rapidity, and I'm pretty sure mine will need lots of help to look as great as hers. I need style secrets!!
Yes, but how do I get his Mom's hair? I'm going grey with some rapidity, and I'm pretty sure mine will need lots of help to look as great as hers. I need style secrets!!
I can't wait for those voices to have more power there. It seems like a state with two extremes, and not much in the middle. It's sad, really, that it functions in such a polarizing way.
I heard the manatees are nice.
But yes, yes it does. It really does.
It's been decided. I'm never going to Florida. Nothing the state has to offer tourists is worth this bullshit they call a legal system.
Yes, yes we are. Though for me, it's more projection on Leto.
I think he's Captain of the USS Douchetastic, which is currently docked in Creepville. He's been hitting on many of the ladies at awards show red carpets. Skeevy, for sure. Lupita is so much smarter than to fall for his schtick.
Wasn't Lupita on Conan or someplace and said that Miley supposedly broke her & Leto up? Or was that a different guy? I think Lupita has no interest in him, whatsoever, and I hope she keeps turning him down.
I feel like I could rock a green fur coat more than a bubble coat, so I'm going to go with the Catwoman look. Also, more accessories. I do love some good gloves.
I sincerely miss Jack In the Box and its breakfast all day. Great for hangovers, at whatever time you drag yourself out of the house. If they can do it, I don't see why McDonald's can't. This is not rocket science. This is egg sandwiches whenever. And every American should be entitled to egg sandwiches whenever.
You ought to give it a shot, if only to check on your investment. As a bonus, it really is good TV.
Okay, these are weird, but I get it. But Ariel is seriously freaking me out. That is not the kind of baggage that I ever wanted to come with an image of Ariel.
Holy shit y'all. It's "has GONE after," not "has went after...." Please edit this! Pretty pretty pretty please!!!!
I could do without Sandra Bezic and Scott Hamilton altogether. And Tara & Johnny's silence I find quite welcome. They know when to shut up and enjoy a skate. It's more in line with the Arts element of figure skating. You wouldn't want someone talking over a play you went to see, would you? It's like that, to me. I…
Columbia is an excellent school. It's in the Ivy League, and was giving her a lot of financial reasons to go there. There's a good program for student-mothers, and there's GI assistance and scholarships that they were offering her. When something like that comes along, and your baby daddy clearly doesn't want anything…