Piz has always been an irritation, a "Denny," if you will. Like Denny on Grey's Anatomy before him, he is a poorly-conceived, forced hurdle storyline, whose sole purpose from day one is to break up the couple everyone loves. She will choose him instead of the broken boy she's with. The romance she has with the "Denny"…
She was also Lois Lane in the 1940s-stylized Superman Returns. I'm sorry you are so offended by her existence.
It's probably that making something so pornographic doesn't seem like a career he'd like to have. Has nothing to do with it being complete shit, content-wise. Plenty of Hollywood movies fit that description.
I don't understand why they charge that much in the first place, but I like your reasoning.
That's not actually an explanation.
The handbags I was talking about weren't specifically in this article. Some handbags commonly go for $25000 and more. That's the market I don't get.
They look like those La Vie de la Vosgienne pastilles. Now I want to eat them!
What the heck are those? What are they for? Where do they go? No wonder I'm no good at the make-up. I'm not so good at the painting-a-sculpture aspect, and I really wish I knew more. Like what the heck these beady things are. Because sometimes, you want to put on that mask that is so less trustworthy yet more…
That's the moment you chose for the article's pic? In no way am I surprised. Looks like a movie I'll catch on Netflix sometime, and I'm glad to see Efron branching out from his Disney upbringing in a safe, controlled manner. What's his movie about the frat house? The Neighbors? I think I'll be seeing that one first,…
Mea culpa!
This is not of my own creation. Some other sick mind put this together; I merely thought it would have fun here!
His Richard II was so weird! fascinating, but strange. I'm curious to see his other works now.
We mustn't forget Jeremy Irons and James Purefoy either. It's got plenty of good stuff to go around!
He's a theatre guy, and a big Shakespeare nerd. He spends much of his time on that. He did three of Shakespeare's plays (Henry IV parts 1&2, and Henry V) that just aired on PBS. He's working on Coriolanus someplace. He's quite charming and well-spoken, and engaging with fans. Have you seen his Loki performance at the…