
Hey, 1D, it's better than smelling like a summer's eve.

Man, I like him.

It was probably done on no budget by a stylist, not a costume designer. Stylists arrange clothes that already exist; costume designers create original pieces. The CW loves stylists. (Have you seen the "Civil War" stuff on The Vampire Diaries?) Here's hoping they care about the clothes, since it's going to series now.

In his teen years, William was the dreamy one. He is not aging well. Now Harry has definitely surpassed him as the dreamy one. And his missteps make him much more fun to watch.

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I didn't think about Vincent Price!!! He'll go off and be some big movie guy, and he'll come back to SNL to host, and they'll revive Vincent Price, right? Right?? That has to be what happens. I'll be okay, as long as that happens.

Why can I not highlight the recommend star more than once? ShakespeaReTold, or however it's spelled, was fantastic! Highly recommended. Encouraged, even. Macbeth was kinda eeeew, but it's supposed to be, and Much Ado was fab! thanks to Mr. Lewis.

This one, I firmly believe, needs to shave every day. You don't hide that under anything:


It's also sorta impossible to find a recent pic online of cleanshaven. His career took off with the scruff of Jesse Pinkman, so that's how he goes out. I'm not complaining. Scruff adds natural shadows and shows off the contours of the face. Maybe more people should shave yesterday.


Also: The Immortals. He is oily and in tiny, tiny clothes.

Also, my favorite:

May I introduce you to Henry Cavill. See: Man of Steel, also The Tudors (season1=YUMMY)

That is a thing of beauty. And the beard is gorgeous, too.


I posted something like this on the Observation Deck. I think she said she had to get gussied up to go out, so she stopped at the end of The Body. The good news is that she's back! And getting to the good stuff.

That makes my heart sink. I loved that glimpse at history that the girls gave us. I looked most like Samantha and I learned to love Edwardian styles, I'm convinced, because of those books. I borrowed them from the library all the time. I know the girl who inspired the character of Kirsten. She inspired the writer, who

I still see Odette Annable or Lizzy Caplan reading this. I feel like they could do it better justice, contextually. I know, neither of them are 22 anymore, but I still think they could make balls shrivel and retract with their readings. Come on internet, get on this!!

I agree. Like instead of just getting her a black mask, they painted her. The a bit of a stretch, I think. It looks more like faux fur than African hair, to me. And the clothes in this particular spread are by Louis Vuitton. So the Marc Jacobs thing doesn't seem to hold up, either. It looks to me like they