No. Worker protections, as in, treating them with the basic dignity and respect afforded by being a human being, is harmful to the "job creators".
You're a horrible person
Even better when the B-team lives in San Fran - I'm sure the Seattle office was MUCH more expensive to maintain..
Yes, but major triple-A titles are being outsourced all the time, often to diminishing returns. Outsourcing has effected games like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and, yes, Assassin's Creed Unity (it had FIVE studios working on it).
Plenty of games are pretty much outsourced these days anyway.
What bugs me, though, is when employers pull the "we're all a family" crap and expect 24/7/365 commitment to the company, because you're a family, after all.
I'm not in gaming, but I've been laid off four times over the course of my career. At this point, I just assume that every new job will end in a layoff, no matter how "stable" (ha) the industry supposedly is. Especially if the company says they're expanding, or if it's a short-term contract that could go full-time.…
but most of us would assume that if a company groomed and talked us into taking a position in another country they would do so without the intention of stranding us there.
Don't wait too long.
See: Opening credits of Idiocracy
Perfect is the enemy of good. People like you always rail against the shortcomings of unions like they aren't a drop in the bucket compared to the harm non-union employers do.
We'd love for Kotaku to name and shame, but Kotaku isn't looking for these individual people getting sued for a possible non-disclosure agreement violation or for Kotaku/ Gawker Media to get sued themselves for giving them the avenue to do so.
Unions aren't perfect, but I'd still take one over working at one of these horror-stories any day of the week. Capitalism is a cancer.
When you wrote 'resource' - you misspelled 'toilet paper'
How do you know he wasn't? With bills to pay and it being technically easier to find a job in his current field, and with the turnover rate so high, I can easily imagine there being no time or money to retool.
In this, our fifth (and likely final) volume of layoff stories, we've got anecdotes from people across the world who have lost their jobs at video game companies. There are stories about forced relocations, about unexpected studio closures, about pizza parties that go horribly wrong. The last story, which is very…
Of course it exists. I'm not saying you can never lay anyone off, but you don't have to treat them like criminals or sucker punch them at a "party".
Reminds me of the time i worked for a collections agency. They threw me a big birthday party, then right when i sat down to take a bite of some tasty cake, asked me to go into the boss' office, and fired me. walked me out and all i could think of was that piece of cake, just sitting on my desk. All alone.... the…
Any former gymnast will tell you that Bag Balm is the best and only treatment for horrible, dry hands. For years I caked my hands in mounds of chalk every day and then swung around a bar, simultaneously ripping off every square inch of skin on my palms and developing callouses so thick that Ishmael himself would be…