nuttier than squirrel poo

You are most likely right and I am being over hard on his kids. Death brings out the worst of us, the smallest things mean the most, then in a few years time we get it. Right now though, she loves everything he ever touched, and his kids do too.

I have that woman in my life too. Except my dad is anti-marriage so I'm still next of kin. It was an ugly scene when he was in the hospital and she "didn't count."

I assume it just ran in their hourly list of retractions and factual inconsistencies.

Remodeling actually seems like a good solution to the "I'm staying in the house my husband killed himself in" concern.

"We are surprised they are doing so now... "

Team No One FTW!

Oh god. Please broach this with your father ASAP (Rocky). She just showed her true colors.

are the lohans so broke now they're suing FoxNews lol

I have a polite, cordial relationship with my dad's wife. I pray to God that he outlives her. He had a sudden life threatening health event and was hospitalized recently for 2 days. She did not call me. She called her kid, her sister, her friends. She did not bother to inform his only daughter that her father

The point is that a person he married a few years ago shouldn't have the right to contest his will for his own children. She has no relation to them at all. If that is what's really going on here, it's pretty gross.

I'm so sorry this happened to you. I don't understand how a court battle can completely overturn someone's will like that. Isn't that the whole point of a will? Any Jez lawyers care to clarify?

There needs to be jail time for this. This is fraud. Billions of dollars worth.

These rich old guys have to do a better job of ensuring that their second/third/fourth young trophy wife can't fuck with children after their deaths. Casey Kasem, Robin Williams, etc. It happens too much. Think with something other than your dick for ONE second.

I put the number of my weed guy under the name "Herbal Supplements" in my phone. I guarantee you his stuff works every time

Yeah, what an idiot! Um, because you clearly CAN'T/WONT "police yourselves." Dumbass.

Now playing

The Film Crew (first budding off of MST3K that later morphed to Rifftrax) did a movie called Hollywood After Dark that had the most depressingly real strip club I've ever seen (especially for the sixties, when it was made.) Hollow, cavernous room with sad chairs lined up in crookedy rows, bare stage, one record player

100-300k a year on 3 days a week is a FAR stretch.. I'm surprised people think Portand (God, or even Vegas!) has that much money going through clubs per dancer; it's rather laughable and further implies to the negative notional that since we make what is commonly an uneducated guess of money, that we don't need rights

Wait, allowing industries to police themselves doesn't work? You mean some legislation and oversight are needed or else owners and companies will do the bare minimum? Next you'll tell me that having a fertilizer company monitor itself doesn't work or an oil company inspecting it's own tanker isn't a smart idea. Yes,

Ikr and the dots are SO CLOSE.

"How did it get to this point where entertainers got fed up to the point where they felt we need to enact a law or do some legislation around this?"