nuttier than squirrel poo

Yeah, when my therapist recommended that, I found a new therapist.

I’ve read that the “Russ Hanneman” character on “Silicon Valley” is modeled after Mark Cuban.

When I tried to open a checking account at Bank of America after our move to San Francisco, they told me I would have to pay a fee every time my account would fall under $1000. I was an administrative assistant at the time, so what I made monthly came to about $1800. The likelihood that my account would fall under

“I told him we had some turbulence.” LMAO!

She is totally gorgeous! Her picture was the whole reason I decided to read this story (I’m not an Instagrammer).

Yeah, it makes it even more disturbing to think that his superiors viewed this tape and then just said, “Oh, he violated our courtesy policy so he’s on desk duty now. Move along, nothing to see here.” Trying to pull that ol’ “see, we are doing something” tactic in hopes that the spotlight would find a new focus so

No way, I never heard that! Now I wanna go back and play.

Halo 3 was all-around kinda meh for me, I think. Really all I remember is the warthog race at the end. It was bonkers. It took a lot of effort for us to make it through!

Ok, ok, ok, I’m sold!

Left out Firefight mode?! Ugh. To me, that’s one of the most important parts!

Yep, I haven’t stepped on a grate on the street or sidewalk since 1996, after my friend in New Orleans told me about his aunt falling through one. Picture of health, I am.

My grandma calls that fiddle-farting around.

Why you kill joke?!

RBG = Ruth Bader Ginsburg, yes?

Ooooh, but no Halo Reach in there! I’m still jealous, though.

Well, everything I know of Colin Quinn hinges on Tough Crowd. I haven’t seen his stand-up. I have to admit I like angry, though, so I’d probably laugh a lot, depending on what he’s angry about.

I’ve definitely had the least problems on Halo when using a mic on XBL. I was addicted to firefight mode in Reach for a long time.

I never said I don’t like Amy, I said she doesn’t have acting chops. Same with LeBron. Sure, he’s charming in it, in that he’s handsome and trying.