
Already? I may have to watch the entire season of Barry again. That went so fast. I really enjoyed it. The humor was so dark and I don’t know why I empathize with Barry but I do. He’s not always a great person but Hader plays him just right. And Henry Winkler is a revelation. His character steals every scene he is in.

Well put

They set it up in the seventies and eighties and completed it in 2016

If he resigns... yes

I’ll say it again. It’s not the entire country that’s awful. It’s actually a minority of people (you know, popular vote etc..) Unfortunately, they have grabbed power. As Bill Maher put it... we had a right wing coup.

So were people who were slaves supposed to do tweetstorms or gather and wear pussy hats? I don’t think you get how little they had to work with and how brutal the rebellions were put down. They couldn’t gather up as one. They had no means to communicate en masse.

Free will is an illusion...btw.

Even if you were REALLY thirsty?

Omg 36 is “dad rock” and “cheesy” age? I think I must be at “pretty much dead” age in that case. I still don’t like Billy Crystal, though.

I felt Barry’s powerlessness as Taylor decided to do whatever he wanted to do. It was obviously headed somewhere awful. Didn’t I expect the exact outcome we saw? No. It was a perfect ending. Things end up working out for Barry, in a certain horrific way.

You know, you’re right. But you gotta admit I do a decent job!

I have a hard time with the animation.

There are dozens of him...dozens!

I liked it better when Bowie did this. At least he had the cocaine to blame and he grew out of this phase. Also, Station to Station was great.

I have to watch this again. There is so much here. Btw, I am hating Fuchs more and more and I didn’t think that was possible.


Of the experiences above, the nightmare within a nightmare scenario is the only one I’ve had. Even that isn’t usually the classic nightmare. It’s more a dystopian peri apocalyptic sort of nightmare. For some unidentifiable reason, I’ve had more of them since November 2016. Go figure.

I’m 52 and I go to shows regularly. We saw Franz Ferdinand this past weekend as well as Titus Andronicus. I had a great time at both but was in so much pain. I stood (and jumped) with the teens at FF and I limped out of there. The next day was a bit better. The venue was smaller but the show was longer. Thank god for

I just skip eating while watching. I figure that anything I’ll mindlessly eat while watching a movie cannot be good for me anyway. If the film alone is not good enough to entertain me then it’s not worth watching.

The interview was perfect. Colbert was polite but refused to ignore the questions we all had on our minds. When he revealed his audience’s dislike of Comey last year closer to the election debacle it was uncomfortable but an important point. We aren’t going to forget what you did, Comey.