The idea was half cynical meme, half sincere lament, but it effectively poured salt on the post-election wound.
The idea was half cynical meme, half sincere lament, but it effectively poured salt on the post-election wound.
...remembered as the decade of snark, a period where being smart and funny also meant being witheringly condescending towards everyone and everything that wasn’t in on the joke.
All the anarchists I know are far too pragmatic for shit like that.
Yes, a guy who got super rich by running businesses has no clue how business works but some idiot in the Gizmodo comments who thinks that up to this point, Tesla hasn’t had accounting, despite this very article talking about Tesla’s financials team, and assumes it’s the role of the CEO of a large corporation to handle…
I think anybody that says Arby’s is the worst probably hasn’t been to one in a decade or more.
It’s fun.
His struggling career as an Instagram food photographer has really got him down, and Instagram’s been down for a day or two now, so…
I live in pa and we have a gas station called sheetz and the wife was going to run to burger king one morning but decided to stop their since it was closer. Their food is actually not bad but she grabbed me their version of the croissan’which and was really hurt when when i showed actual disappointment when she pulled…
because you’re a fucking douche.
Dear Salty, I am one of those hopeless types that has to take pics of my food to show off to my friends and the mean chef wouldn’t let me, what do I do?..Dear fishface, grow up and stop acting like a 12 year old...Next Question
“...and I’m definitely not one of those annoying folks...”
When the fuck are you ever going to look at that picture of sushi you ate? You’re only taking that picture to brag on social media. Just eat your food and enjoy the goddamned moment. I don’t understand how people can live through an instagram filter.
I think a small part of the outrage over this story is that our college education system is so broken that even the fourth female lead on a mediocre family sitcom can buy preferential treatment for their kids.
Are you really questioning the intrinsic Loughlinacity she brings to the role? The complex, textured Loughlinatude with which she inhabits, ne, defines that part? The bold, singular Loughliquinity...
I was always under the impression that if you had money then you could go to USC. There was no need to bribe anyone because the outrageous tuition was essentially the bribe.
Well, I think we can now deduce Moose Knuckle’s true identity. Spoiler Alert: Nick A. Caporella.
The whole point of insurance on a UPS package seems ridiculous to me. In what other industry do you have to pay extra money, to ensure that the company is responsible for the service you’re already paying them to complete?