
I’m not at all a supporter of Trump. At the same time, what would he do that would make you happy? If he does nothing to what Assad did, you will criticize him. He takes action for what Assad did, and you criticize him. Being against everything gets you no where and changes nothing. Haven’t you learned that from

Until “much more research” is done, football has as much a link to ALS as baseball and theoretical physics.

Thanks Obama!

Actually, no, I don’t. I just can’t stand lazy, generalized views of the world and of history, it’s how we ended up with the president we have now.

Ah, yes! Nothing says unity like “liquidating” an entire group of people. I never thought I’d have the chance to interact with the Liberal Steve Bannon, but it seems I now have. This interwebs thing sure is AMAZING!

Oh, okay, thanks for the enlightenment! All this time I thought the South lost the Civil War because they lacked manufacturing, railroads, a steady flow of immigrants to throw into their army and a lack of credit to foreign banks. Thanks for letting me know I was wrong and completely full of shit.

Any straight guy on this site (I know, we’re a very small minority) that says they wouldn’t fuck the shit out of Ivanka is full of, well, shit.

Unsure whether you are trolling or not. This isn’t rocket science, it’s common knowledge. Do you not pay insurance on your car?

Duke lacrosse? So you work with alternative facts as well, huh?

Who needs three #1 starters when you can have an All-Star closer that you can keep in the bullpen?

Better question. Why wasn’t Hillary able to blow the Bill?


John Lynch played 15 years in the NFL and won a Super Bowl (yes, with the Buccaneers, not the Broncos) which is a very incredible resume in its own right. He played 4 years with the Broncos and was a captain. The defense during his time was pretty good, but for some reason the offense never got it together (except

When is MLB going to finally wake up and outlaw pitching in baseball?

Len Bias? Len Fucking Bias?

With Barry Trotz, Caps fans should have faith? Can someone please explain to me what Barry Trotz has ever won, because I must have been sleeping when Nashville went to all those Stanley Cup finals while he was there.

I’ve been saying that all year, as well, and I’m a Caps fan. I think most Caps fans knew it, but refused to acknowledge it verbally.

So you watched Game 1 and didn’t watch Games 2-4? Because even if you had only watched last night’s game, a game in which one of the Penguins’ best players didn’t even play, you’d realize how ridiculous that statement is. The series ends Saturday when the Caps cash it in and get blown out by at least 3 goals.

Caps fan here and I couldn’t agree more. I really hope they just get rid of most everyone on this team (especially Ovie and Backstrom) and start over again. Will they suck for a few years? Probably, but at least it’s something different. Being really awesome in the regular season and then not even making it to the

Cite what? I did. As you stated, it’s from a comedy routine, which would lead any reasonable person with average reading comprehension skills to understand the comment is made in jest.