
If you act like a Faggot, you deserve to be called a Faggot. Pen fans, by nature, act like Faggots. Just because a guy likes to suck another guy’s cock doesn’t make him a Faggot.

I’m going to take a wild guess and say it probably has something to do with the fact that an organization is investing MILLIONS of dollars on someone that severely lacks in discipline and responsibility. Its isn’t like Tunsil was some walk-on at Ole Miss that took everyone by surprise during his college career. Tunsil

Come on dude, seriously? Don’t get me wrong, I can’t stand Gawker and I’ll certainly be dancing around the fire once that shit stain goes up in flames. At the same time, I (for the most part) like Deadspin and I love Io9 and I’ll be a little pissed to see them go.

Slow news day?

Newsflash: “G’Dub” is not the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military. I think it’s some guy name Obama. I’m sure I can cite that for you if you need me to.

Penis issues?

Why is it that libtards like you don’t have friends? Oh yeah, it’s because you enjoy spewing your political views and agendas 24/7. Take a break once in a while and maybe you’ll gain a friend. Maybe.

If you think John Bel Edwards doesn’t know what he’s doing, you’re wrong. If you think President Obama didn’t know what he was doing when he told John Bel Edwards not to know what he was doing, you are wrong! It’s another example of the liberal agenda to end football as we know it! Who’s in charge? We don’t know, but

Goodbye Santorum, how little we knew thee.

You know that “white guilt” isn’t an actual thing, right? You didn’t own slaves, white people long before you did. Stop worrying about things you can’t control.

Except that Dan Snyder is Jewish, so your attempt to liken the owner of a team who’s name gets you all butt-hurt to Nazis is a complete miss on so many levels.

The reason they had Sylvester Stallone as Rocky is because HE IS ROCKY!!!! SMDH!

Andy Reid made Alex Smith a useful quarterback? I think you meant to say Jim Harbaugh.

He must feel awful. I’m glad Big Ben gave him a good talk. Poor guy must feel like he was dragged into a bathroom and raped.

Ovechkin getting his 500th goal is still, at best, the 2nd biggest sports story in the DC area from this weekend. One could certainly argue that Maryland/Wisconsin was #2 and Ovechkin #3.

I’m a Griffey fan and glad to see him voted into the HoF. With that said, how did he get a higher percentage of votes than players like Clemente, Mays, Mantle, Ripken, Gwynn, and Bob Gibson (just to name a few) when they were voted into the Hall?

I’m a huge fan of OBJ’s abilities, at the same time, there’s is no excuse for his actions and for the fact that the refs didn’t eject him. Once again, the NFL shows just how concerned it is about head injuries. Like I preach to my kids, actions speak louder than words!

That’s racist and you should be ashamed of yourself!

He’s an alcoholic/drug addict. What happened to compassion to the People’s Republic of Deadspin? Something tells me that if Johnny Manziel was black, people wouldn’t be so hateful on here. I guess it’s that whole white guilt bullshit.

Not to confuse it with blasphemy, but you are my personal savior for posting common sense. Unfortunately, you are preaching to the People’s Republic of Kinja.