
I imagine it would mean all pornography that is objectifying.

Are they also going to stop streaming rape-fantasy videos and videos depicting violent, unpleasurable sex acts as pleasurable?


Anna Wintour always looks the same. What is fashionable about that?

The premise of this movie is why I dropped out of my sorority a few weeks after rushing. I’m going to go to college, join a sorority, pay hundreds/thousands of dollars, and then go to a party where I can’t drink? No thank you.

Let’s not forget that Jonas kid and his regular-girl wife, Dani. They had that TV show. Why can’t I remember his name?


Reexamine the context, then.

No, I haven’t “kept pointing fingers.” I was responding to one user’s comment. If you’re interested in inserting yourself into an exchange, at least read up on the conversation before you dive in. Or don’t, I guess, but all that time clicking on your keyboard is a bit wasted.

Let me use more words, since you are patrolling the internet today in an effort to make important points. In this specific case only, as we are on a page regarding this alleged arrest/charge and not every arrest that has ever been made, yes, I believe there is some evidence against him. The reasons I believe this


There you go!


Yes, I did, and my reply stands. Hope that helps

I do not assume that nor did I say that I do.

My judgement is irrelevant in the charges or convictions he may face. I also don’t have much to go on here - that’s why I wouldn’t appoint myself Queen over the case even if I had the authority to. My speculation is that the arrest indicates evidence that hasn’t been made public. Maybe I’m wrong; maybe I’m not. This

Thank you for understanding the point!

I hope she did. That doesn’t change my response to the above user who didn’t read the piece and made irrelevant points.

Maybe so, but that wasn’t what my comment was about. It was a response to someone else’s comment.

I don’t doubt that warmer attire may have helped, but her blackout-drunk decision to go out in subzero temperatures likely contributed much more significantly to her death than her shorts. Her shorts didn’t cause her death; her state of intoxication did.