Except there's collusion between the NFL and the NCAA to keep things the way they are. If high schoolers had a legitimate option other than college, the NCAA's supply of product would go down. Which would cost them money.
Except there's collusion between the NFL and the NCAA to keep things the way they are. If high schoolers had a legitimate option other than college, the NCAA's supply of product would go down. Which would cost them money.
For example, pushing your body to lift more weights can be painful, but the victory of mind over matter is also empowering. It can also be a pleasant contrast to other life experiences where a person might feel like a pawn.
fucking great. Rutgers is typical D1 wannabe school which instead of being one of the 15 or so programs that actually makes money, is one which has to hit up students for fees, and of course NJ taxpayers as it hemorrhages money. We have a 9% income tax and property taxes exactly double the national average. Thanks…
When I was in band it was more like horny and deprived :(
Hamilton. Isn't it the same with someone at a gym? If someone pushes themselves to hard at the normal gym (running, weightlifting, etc...) form can be sacrificed and there can be bad results. Crossfit won't lead to injuries if you know your limits. It's just like anything else.
They still race there.
None of those students earn the school piles of cash.
One of the comments on that article is batshit crazy:
Braun: [Receives shot in the ass]
I suggest the Known Traveler/Precheck to everyone. Best $100 I've spent in awhile. I can leave my damn shoes on and avoid most of the TSA shitshow.
Fuck you cancer.
You can fix that much damage in one night, but it takes a week to get my car back after an oil change and an alignment? Screw you Audi.
UNC created a loophole. He didn't make the actual Dean's list. He made Dean Smith's List of Players Who Don't Go to Class and Things.
My favorite UNC tradition is that Silent Sam will fire his rifle whenever someone on the basketball team writes a paper.
This is the kinda junk getting media play regarding Lyme disease that is at best weakly supported and at worst dangerous. Shame on the writer for not finding someone who is more of an expert than a runner to warn the public about the scourge of Lyme disease. For context, I am a board-certified physician whom is not an…
Like the back of a Volkswagen?
If advertising didn't work no one would advertise... and we wouldn't have Mad Men.
When you're dealing with infertility or pregnancy loss, like some of us are, seeing this first thing in the morning when you've recently gotten more bad news feels like the universe has conspired to pile some more shit on your day. That's why some people get upset about stuff like this. It may not be rational to you,…